11 days/10 night Photography Expedition led by Art Wolfe
Change is coming quickly to Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. New elections have brought the hope for democracy, Nobel peace laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is in parliament, and now is the time to travel to this fascinating country!
Explore the ancient cities, Buddhist temples, and vibrant culture of this country just opening up to the outside world.
There is a very nice spread in the University of Washington Alumni Magazine “COLUMNS” this month. The University is celebrating 2012 as their 150th Anniversary and featuring noteworthy Alumni.
Art Wolfe graduated in 1975. This spread also celebrates the beautiful and unique natural environment of the UW campus as only Art can see it.
Begins at the birding paradise Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary, winds through a truly dazzling array of bazaars and ends at one of the oldest continously inhabited cities on Earth, sacred Varanasi on the Ganges.
International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Publisher Frederking & Thaler is reissuing the award-winning German edition Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky in Europe!
Bergspitzen, die wie glühendes Eisen in der Sonne leuchten, Kaskaden von Licht über brechenden Pazifikwellen, das berauschende Farbspiel herbstlicher Wälder und die glasklare Schönheit eisbedeckter Granitberge. Wolfes Bilder sind sensationell, atemberaubend und immer wieder faszinierend. In Landschaften zwischen Himmel und Erde porträtiert er Natur rund um den Globus und schafft ein Werk, das uns Seite für Seite ins Staunen versetzt.
240 Seiten, ca. 300 Abbildungen, Format 24,5 x 30,5 cm, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag