Q2 2024 Photos Roundup- Japan, Eid al-Fitr & More!

Q2 2024 photos are here! Spring kicked of with a trip to Kyoto, Japan where I aimed to capture more images of life amidst a Buddhist temple for my upcoming book on world religion and spirituality. Nestled harmoniously within the surrounding flora, this was also an opportunity to photograph landscapes and abstracts.

It was quite a shock to the system, then, to go from the serenity of temples and silent forests to the bustle and buzz of Delhi, India where millions gathered in celebration of Eid al-Fitr. I managed to find myself a perch up above the worshipping crowds and came away with the photographs I was here for.

From there I came home for a bit before visiting California for our Carmel Coast workshop, and then it was off to Iceland. If Delhi was the polar opposite of Japan in terms of activity, it was the weather in Iceland that proved to be the difference here where heavy, cool rains exposed flaws in my usually meticulous packing prep. Still, the landscape was as beautiful as ever. The iconic puffins were sparse in the areas we explored – however many other birds were present, and I’ll take variety every time.

Enjoy the photos, and while you’re here check out my upcoming tours and events. I’m always excited to get to know new travelers!

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Support “HOPE” by Photographer & Activist Cristina Mittermeier!

HOPE by Cristina “Mitty” Mittermeier is an uplifting book project that I urge everyone to support. Mitty is a great communicator and unparalleled photographer. She has done so much for the photographic & conservation community with the founding of SeaLegacy and the International League of Conservation Photographers ILCP. Please join me in supporting Mitty’s crowdfunding campaign for ‘HOPE’ – a book showcasing her most iconic images and inspiring stories from her 30-year journey as a photographer and activist. Part of the proceeds of this book will directly benefit the people, communities and projects featured in these pages!

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New Photos From Kyoto, Japan!

Earlier this month some good friends and myself visited Kyoto, Japan to photograph the culture and spiritual ceremonies for one of my next book projects, “Act of Faith”. Here, we had the opportunity to photograph Shinto priests and priestesses performing rituals at a sacred Shinto Shrine.

This wasn’t the first time I’ve visited Japan to capture photos for Faith. I was here a few years back to capture the Oto Matsuri purification ceremony. This trip was definitely more harmonious, without the fire and drunken shenanigans!

Shinto is Japan’s native faith, and though Buddhism nearly matches it in terms of practitioners, the way these two religions have managed to not only co-exist, but compliment one and other is just one of the many heartening aspects of world faith that will be highlighted in this upcoming project. Prominent Buddhist figures were assigned Shinto identities, while Shinto Kami, or the divine spirits that inhabit the natural world, strove for Buddhist enlightenment.

I’ve made many trips to Japan over the years, primarily to photograph the Snow macaques, cranes, and other wild life. However, the Japanese culture and reverence for nature has always fascinated me as illustrated in the way I’ve styled my West Seattle home environs as a Japanese Garden. I look forward to seeing this all come together in a celebration of world spirituality, and I highly recommend a visit to Kyoto!


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Concluding Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr in Delhi, India!

Devout Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Delhi, India.

Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the month of Ramadan on the Islamic calendar, and is significant in that it also marks the end of sun-up to sun-down fasting. “Ramadan” translates to “burning heat” due to this being the hottest month of the year in India.

Devout Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Delhi, India.

It’s been a privilege to spend this week here in India and witness this significant Muslim holiday. I came away with some shots I’m very happy with, some which will surely end up in my upcoming book project, Act of Faith.

Enjoy, and have a fantastic weekend!

Delhi, India sunset.

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Photo Close-up Friday – Polar Bears!

This coming Tuesday is International Polar Bear Day! Raising awareness for these great, white bears is important, as their population is vulnerable due to continued climate change that affects their habitat like no other on the planet. In my time visiting the Arctic over decades, I’ve witnessed first-hand the shrinking swaths of ice that these bears use as home and hunting ground.

One of my favorite places to photograph these bears is Churchill, Manitoba in Canada. This location on the western shore of Hudson Bay is known as the Polar Bear Capital of the World, and trips here never disappoint!

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Photo Close-up Friday – The Hippopotamus!

Yesterday was World Hippo day! Did you know that the hippopotamus and cetaceans (whales, dolphins, orcas etc.) share many unique characteristics that suggest they shared a common ancestor? Totally different dentists, however!

Hippos are the second-largest land animals on the planet – though they spend the majority of their time submerged in rivers and lakes, so you might not know it with all that hippo concealed under waters that are often murky from all the churn. They also produce their own sunblock in the form of an oily red substance that secrets from their skin.

They spend most of their time in herds of a dozen or more animals – safety in numbers, and in the  huge jaws and the massive strength of the dominant maless that protect their groups.

I had the pleasure of photographing a few of these big boys and girls this past January in Kenya. Photograph your own hippos, Lions, Zebras and much more in Kenya, with me in 2025!

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West Coast US Workshops Abound This Spring – Join Art In The Field!

Spring is just around the corner and this is the time of year where I really focus on all the beautiful shooting locations the season provides on the west coast of the United States. This year is no different!

March kicks off in Moab, Utah and Sedona Arizona. These locations represent the red-rocky structures and wild landscapes of the South-western U.S. and the variety of subjects makes them a great trip for anyone who wants the postcard shots of these epic locations along with much more in terms of abstract imagery and thinking outside the box.

To celebrate the release of the Collector’s Edition of Wild Lives, Sedona participants will receive the gift of a free copy of this definitive edition of my latest wild life magnum opus.

Two workshops in my back yard follow the Southwest, with Creative Seassions in Seattle, and the evergreen (pun most definitely intended!) Olympic Peninsula workshop. These are great opportunities to, as I say, “expand your visual vocabulary”.

Finally, we have another workshop taking place on the beautiful Carmel coast, a breathtaking backdrop to all kinds of subjects and wildlife. Things wrap up in Astoria, Oregon for what has become a staple Abstract workshop. It’s my hope to some day be mentioned in the same breath as The Goonies when people talk about the oldest city on the West Coast – lets make it happen!

Moab Photography Retreat – Just Two Spots Left!
March 6 – 10

Spring in Sedona Retreat
March 13 – 17

Creative Sessions: Seattle
Cultivating Vision & Imagination
March 29 – 31

Olympic Peninsula Workshop
April 30 – May 3

Carmel-By-The-Sea Workshop
May 16 – 19

Abstract Astoria Workshop
May 23 – 26


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2023 Year In Photos!

Happy New Year! The highlight of this past year for me was of course the release of Wild Lives, a book years in the making and the end result of tens of thousands of miles of travel. It’s also available in the UK, in Italian, and an Australian version is set for release in February. In March, the gorgeous limited edition version will be available in a stylish and protective clamshell case and will include a signed print. It will make a fantastic accompaniment to the fine art editions of Earth Is My Witness and Trees: Between Earth and Heaven.

2023 started out in Thailand photographing the mesmerizing eruption of bats as they streamed out of their cave and into the sunset, and stops in Honshu and Hokkaido allowed for one more crack at Japan’s winter wildlife. I then found myself on the highest plateau of India, the Ladakh region, where I was able to capture the elusive snow leopard – just in time to get it in the book!

Workshops from Moab, Utah to the Appalachian Highlands of North Carolina came prior to the annual Katmai bear trip. We also fit in an incredible adventure in Glacier Bay where we were treated to plenty of breaching whales putting on a show as well as fantastic cuisine aboard the Alaskan Story yacht.

Fall began with my next book Act Of Faith top of mind, and I was fortunate to visit Benin and Chad and capture incredible shots of ceremonies unique to each region. The year came to a close with a few more U.S. workshops and another trip to India, this time with an amazing group of tour participants capturing the wildlife in Kanha and Kaziranga National Parks.

It was a loaded year – and 2024 is shaping up to be busy as well!

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Wildlife Wednesday – New Photos from India!

In November the first Wild Lives photo journey took us to Kanha and Kaziranga National Parks in India. Set on The Chhota Nagpur Plateau in Madhya Pradesh, Kanha provides breathtaking vistas of grassy plains and sal forests. It is the ideal habitat for both tigers and their prey, and we were able to see and photograph these magnificent cats, chital (axis deer), and langurs. Located to south of the great Brahmaputra River, Kaziranga National Park is home to the largest number of one-horned rhinoceros in the world. The swamps were purple with water hyacinths which made a painterly backdrop for wildlife photography.

I have several Wild Lives photo journeys on the calendar for 2024 and beyond. These immersive, small group tours focus on providing the best opportunities for capturing awe-inspiring moments of untamed beauty.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

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Explore Art Wolfe’s 2024 Workshops & WILD LIVES Photo Journeys!

2024 is on the horizon, and it’s time to think about where you might want to travel! New locations as well as return favorites are on the slate, with several trips highlighting locations where I captured just some of the hundreds of photos you’ll see in my latest book, WILD LIVES. From Alaska to the Pantanal, there’s something for everyone – including two much-requested tours in New Zealand.

Don’t miss out – reserve your spot today!

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