Travel Tuesday – New Q3 Photos!

Art Wolfe's 2024 Q3 PhotosQ3 Photos have arrived! Back in September I was in Southern Africa photographing wildlife and landscapes. In case you don’t follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you should be! We’ve posted several videos on location to check out. I also took my annual trip to Katmai to photograph the bears. As usual the goal was to get something new, and this workshop continues to provide those opportunities as generations of bears grow, begin their own families, and repeat the cycle. A couple workshops in the beautiful Pacific Northwest rounded things out and now I’m in New Zealand leading a couple of tours – stay tuned for photos from these trips!

I’ve also posted several trips for the coming year or two – check them out, and join me on my next great adventure!

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Catch Art Wolfe in Manassas, VA November 2nd!

Art Wolfe Presents: Wild Lives at the Mid-Atlantic Photo visions Expo

The first weekend of November, I’ll be in Manassass, Virgina for the Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions Expo! This will be a two-day event with incredible speakers, workshops, one-on-one experiences and much more. Make a weekend of it and catch the whole show, or just come and check out my WILD LIVES presentation on the 2nd, from 1 to 3pm. I’ll be signing books after the talk, with copies available for purchase – or lug your own books to the event; I’d be happy to meet you and sign them!

I’ll be sharing photos from my latest book project along with the stories behind them. WILD LIVES represents my most comprehensive collection of wildlife to date, with photos ranging from early in my career to shots I was able to capture and sneak in right before it went to print. I’m proud of this project, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Sign up today! More information about this event and Wild Lives is on my events page, or just head over to the Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions website and register today!

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The Gear Page is Updated!

It’s been long overdue for a refresh, but my gear page has been updated with the latest equipment I use in the field. I’m sure I’ll come across a few more things to add in the future, but for now this is a decent list of what I’m usually traveling with. That’s not to imply I always bring everything on the list with me – on the contrary, my goal is to travel as light as possible.

Having a plan going into at trip helps lighten the load. If I’m heading to India to photograph elusive big cats, I’m definitely bringing my 100-500. If I’m just going to photograph landscapes in the Southwestern US, I might just bring my 70-200. While there is something to be said for being prepared for any situation, I prefer the convenience of less gear to manage. It also helps keep me focused on the goals I prepared for on a given trip.

Is there any gear you travel with that’s not on my list that you think definitely should be? Leave a comment below and stay tuned for updates!

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Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) – Wisdom Wednesday!

Recently I posted about my amazing new Canon R5 Mark 2 and some of the features I’m loving about this camera. However for all the technology invested in capturing tack-sharp images and freezing action, its also important to remind yourself to slow down every now and again.

One of the techniques I employ often is dropping the ISO down to 100 and stop down the aperture and let the motion move across the image. This “intentional camera movement”, or “ICM” technique is a great way to convey the sense of motion in an otherwise still frame, inviting the viewer to imagine the subject in action as described by the blurred image.  Ernst Haas was one of my early influences, a person who’s work I continue to admire. He was a pioneer of using this technique to show the motion in his subjects.

It takes some experimentation and often you won’t really know if you have any successful images until you’ve edited and evaluated them. Some may still show the eyes of the animal in reasonably sharp contrast to the blurred legs in motion – I like this look – but I also like those images that make me think of ancient drawings on a cave wall, where nothing is particularly defined and the entire animal is abstracted in it’s motion and the background a blurred canvas.

I won’t always see the potential in these images immediately. Some I shot on film many years ago I nearly tossed out but decided to file away at the last second. I pulled them out years later and found a new appreciation for their abstract qualities and I’m glad I did!

If you’re interested in more photos captured with this technique, check out Rhythms From the Wild.

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Workshop Wednesday – 2025 Early Bird Prices Ending Soon!

Early Bird Specials End Soon on Art Wolfe Workshops And Tours

2025 is shaping up to be another great year of travel! With planned trips to places like Egypt, Vietnam, Bhutan and much more, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Check out my events page for more information.

There are a number of workshops and photo tours that you can save a few hundred bucks on by purchasing in the early bird window – a window that closes this Monday, September 30th at midnight – sign up today, save some cash and join me on an adventure!

Vietnam – Northern Tribes & Landscapes Tour
May 20 – 30

Beautiful Bandon, Oregon Coast Photography Retreat
June 19 – 22

Grand Teton Photography Retreat: Spring Wildflowers & Babies
June 25 – 29

Katmai Alaska Photo Tour: The Ultimate Bear Adventure
August 7 – 13

Fall Color on the Olympic Peninsula Workshop
October 9 – 12

Egypt Photo Journey
November 5 – 16

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New Photos from Southern Africa!

I just returned from another spectacular journey in Southern Africa. While the dunes of Sossusvlei are always stunning, what really made the trip this time was photographing desert elephants. While they are not a distinct species from savanna elephants, they are uniquely adapted to the harsh desert environment. They are constantly spraying sand over themselves to keep cool which creates plumes of light-filtering dust, perfect for those atmospheric images.

The wildlife on this trip was also a great opportunity to put my favorite new feature on the Canon EOS R5 Mark II to good use. This was my first trip using the camera, and the ability to recover frames from a half-second before you’d traditionally expect to has already paid dividends. When the situation is changing rapidly, the best shots often fall into this window where you’re reacting. I highlighted a few more of the new features as well as an important note about the updated batteries in this recent post while I was on-location for this trip.

This was a fantastic adventure all around. Southern Africa continues to provide an amazing array of wildlife, culture and landscapes. The company was especially enjoyable, even if they took a little too much pleasure in my squeals of fear while traversing the dunes in buggies. Our help on the ground was also able to provide some great video content on-location; be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to check those out!

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Greetings From Namibia & Canon R5 Mark II!

Greetings from Namibia! This has been an incredible trip so far, made all the better thanks to a generous early birthday gift from a good friend in the form of a new Canon R5 II. Still a 45 megapixel camera, performance is the name of the game here. I’m loving the pre-shoot burst mode and this feature could be critical when trying to capture wildlife in the moment. Considering the lengths I go to on many trips hoping for that one perfect shot, this feature is invaluable. Coupled with shutter speeds as fast as 1/32,000th freezing action has never been better.

Though I don’t use the video features as much as some, the options and upgrades here are plentiful, including the option to shoot in 8k up to 60 FPS. Unlike the standard 5R there is also no limit on how long you can record. Gone is the 30 minute restriction. Instead, record as long as you have the memory to do so. Across the board, performance is up with this camera and it is noticeable.

Of course, that power and performance comes with a cost. Though the LP-E6P battery that comes with the camera is the same form-factor as previous batteries, and your old batteries will work with the R5 II, video enthusiasts will want to ensure they stock up on the specific battery that comes with the camera and NOT your old LP-E6NH models. While the form factor is the same, the E6P is an upgraded battery to support the increased performance demands. you’ll still be able to shoot and record video with either battery, however some of the higher-end video features will be disabled if you’re using the E6NH model.

All that being said I’m pleased with the camera, and happy with our trip so far. Our support on the ground has been incredible and I hope you’ve been enjoying the content they’ve been posting to my Instagram and Facebook accounts. I’ll be sure to post a full gallery from this trip when I return!

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Flash Sale: 30% OFF All Art Wolfe On-Demand Video Content!

Art Wolfe's Labor Day Sale 2024 - Save 30% on On-Demand Videos for Photography Instruction Happy Labor Day Weekend!

A few years back when most of us were stuck indoors, I took some time to comb through my catalog collecting hundreds of photos and put together Pathways to Creativity. From wildlife to abstracts, Pathways is a comprehensive look at my work and the thought process behind it. This is an exploration of ideas and inspiration, encompassing all aspects of photography from the way I use the technology to how I employ my fine art background into compositions and framing my subjects.

Years before that, I hosted a show exploring the world through my lens. Travels to the Edge is still circulating around the country. It was an incredible experience and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to bring my travels to your home.

Enjoy this content now streaming on my on-demand page for 30% off through Tuesday, September 3rd!

Use code LD24WOLFE at checkout to claim your 30% off – Available on all on-demand video. I recommend setting up a Vimeo account for easy access to your purchases!

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Take a Peek at New Photos From Katmai, Alaska!

Three young bears, Katmai, Alaska.

Sooooo many cubs! This was a different but also uniquely special trip to Katmai this year. Our usual haunts seemed to have less bears fishing, but that didn’t stop healthy looking families from hamming it up for our cameras. Adults brawling for prime fishing locations is usually a trip highlight, but this time playful cubs took the spotlight. Many of the young bears we came across were just old enough for mom to not be over-protective, and by now these bears are so used to humans that we don’t raise any alarms. This meant a lot of exploratory mischief, and we were happy to capture those moments.

Enjoy the photos! If you’re interested in capturing your own amazing photos of bears, join next year’s Katmai Bear Tour. I recently posted 10 reasons to join me in this location, and they are still as relevant as ever. Though we usually have two on the schedule, my travel only allows me time for one trip – sign up before it sells out.


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A WILD Evening With Art Wolfe and the UW Alumni Association!

UW Alumni Association presents an Evening With Art Wolfe on Friday, September 20th 2024 from 7 to 8:30PM

Back in June I was absolutely honored to receive the University of Washington’s Alumnus Summa Laude Dignatus (say that five times fast!) award. It truly was a humbling honor to be recognized by the Alumni Association. I’ll be joining them again this September along side Greg Greene, the brilliant author behind the text in my latest book WILD LIVES. We’ll be sharing stories from the field and our outlook on the current and future trends of wildlife conservation – and much more!

Click here for details, and I hope to see you on Friday, September 20th at 7 PM in Seattle!

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