Conservation Photography Education

Witness: Defining Conservation Photography Feature from Neil Ever Osborne on Vimeo.

Fleming College and the Royal Ontario Museum are teaming up with photographer/educator Neil Ever Osborne to offer a degree program in Environmental Visual Communications. This program is designed as a blend of environmental science skills and the ability to effectively communicate to a variety of audiences.

If you are passionate about our planet and want to develop your career in getting this message out visually and effectively, then explore this unique program.
Conservation photography has grown into a effective means of education and change. The work that is being done now to illuminate the concerns of our planet is being done by committed people that grew this idea out of the ground. Organizations like iLCP support this important work.

Watch this video to learn where these ideas come from and the people that are teaching us about the work we all share as stewards of the Earth.

Support a Conservation Photography Project here:

Neil Ever Osborne:

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doublexposure 2012



doublexposure 2012 Auction

Photography can change your life. If you have the same belief, then now is the time to put it into action. Youth In Focus is having their annual fund-raising auction on Saturday, April 14th.

I have donated a print to help raise some money and support this great organization. There is a long list of other noteworthy photographers and supporters that are also contributing to the event. Students work will surprise you and will also be available at the auction. Visit Youth In Focus and sign up for a great evening of photography and community.

>>CLICK HERE to Register and learn more about how Youth In Focus is providing cameras and instructors to empower urban youth ages 13-19 that are experiencing challenges in their lives.

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On Location: Skagit Valley in March

BLOG: On Location – March Tips – Images by Art Wolfe

March is a great time to head to the Skagit Flats. One of my favorite subjects is the tens of thousands of snow geese that have migrated from Siberia and the North Slope down to the rich fields of the Skagit River Valley. There are also thousands of trumpeter and tundra swans. An interesting note, over the decades that I’ve been going to photograph in Skagit Valley, the population of trumpeter swans has mushroomed. Climate change has affected the spring melt in Alaska at earlier times in the spring which opens up more lakes. A couple of trumpeter swans need a lake to themselves, with no other swans, to raise their brood. More lakes means more swans. Skagit Valley’s tilled fields offer a feast to these migrating birds, and you can see thousands of geese just a few feet away. In the late afternoon on a clear day it is magical as the birds light off the ground and swirl in the air all the while Mt. Baker, a volcanic mountain in the Cascades that boasts an elevation over 10,000 feet, looms in the background. As the sun sets, everything goes pink. It is one of my favorite places to go in Washington State, and March is the perfect time to go.

Get information from the Skagit Audubon Society:

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Oregon Coast Workshop

BLOG: Oregon Coast Workshop March 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe

After another successful Art of Composition seminar in Portland, Oregon, Art led a group of workshop participants out to the blustery Oregon coast—Cannon Beach, to be exact.

Art is now off to Australia and South Africa for five weeks of field workshops, presentations, and seminars.
>>Australia Info
>>Africa Info

( &, as well as some much anticipated shooting for his new Seattle gallery! Look here for new photos soon.

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Hard on the heels of REGARD SAUVAGE and ANIMAL ART comes WERELD NATUUR, Art’s first book translated into Dutch!

World Wildlife Fund of the Netherlands is now offering WERELD NATUUR as a donation premium, in celebration of their 50 year anniversary of saving wildlife around the world.  Take a look inside the book and pledge your support today!

“Geef 44,95 euro of meer en ontvang dit boek Wereld natuur

Grandioze, kunstzinnige foto’s van een adembenemende schoonheid: Art Wolfe, onbetwist een van de beste natuurfotografen ter wereld, presenteert in ‘Wereldnatuur’ de 160 mooiste opnamen uit zijn carrière. Hij volgt het spoor van zijn reizen over alle continenten en biedt ons een blik op de mens achter de camera, op zijn ervaringen en op het leven in de wildernis. Een bijzondere ontmoeting met het dierenleven op aarde, in fantastische beelden vastgelegd. “

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Art Wolfe Instructional Video Series – Technique Episode 19

Art Wolfe: Working the Margins of the Day

There is a magic moment when the ambient light matches that of other light sources in your composition. Shot on location in Japan.

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Art Wolfe Instructional Video Series – Technique Episode 18

Photographing the Macro Landscape

Sometimes you miss the small details when there is such grand landscapes surrounding you. Shot on location in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

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Art Wolfe Instructional Video Series – Technique Episode 17

Art Wolfe: Composition in Surreal Landscapes

It is important to pay attention to foreground and background elements when trying to compose an effective surreal landscape image. Shot on location in Glacier Bay National Park.

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OREGON Double-Header

BLOG: New! Oregon Workshop March 4-6, 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe

March 3

Art Wolfe Lecture Series – 10am to 4pm at Mt. Hood Community College – Gresham Campus

Art Wolfe is presenting his ever popular class “The Art of Composition”. This is a great learning tool for anyone wanting to grow their compositional skills. This is not a technical class, but an improved way of seeing and identifying ways of better expressing your artistic vision. >>More Info


March 4-6

Art Wolfe Oregon Coast Workshop – Cannon Beach, OR

Three days on the beautiful Oregon coast to immerse yourself in photography and learn to see what Art Wolfe sees and how he finds his subjects.
Art has some favorite spots on the coast that are waiting to be shared.  >>More Info


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ICPA – Deadline Ahead

ICP Awards

Don’t delay. Get on it quickly!

This is my personal invitation to enter the 2012 International Conservation Awards (ICP Awards), if you haven’t already. The deadline for this biennial competition is February 29, includes Leap Day this year. So you have only two more weeks to enter your best work.

I started this INVITATIONAL in 1997 with support of photographers and sponsors dedicated to conservation photography. AND I’m so proud that this wonderful program, with its success, has spun off into its own organization, with incredible support by the Burke Museum of History and Culture where a first-class, 5-month exhibit of selected images will take place this summer starting on June 30. The Burke exhibit will be followed by a national tour of the some of top images selected for the program.

Please visit the ICP Awards website for complete information and to enter:

An impressive collection of jurors is on hand to begin reviewing your submissions on March 1. Students, check out the Student Category. This 2012 program follows the huge success of the 2010 program in which there were record numbers of international participants and record numbers of visitors to the Burke Museum exhibit.

Thank you,
Art Wolfe

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