Bellingham, WA Dog Talk November 17

Village Books in Fairhaven is bringing Art Wolfe to Bellingham for the Leopold Author Lecture Series.
Join Art Wolfe at at 6:30pm on Thursday, November 17, 2011. Admission is FREE.

The location is at the Crystal Ballroom in the Leopold Retirement Residence at 1224 Cornwall Ave.

Art will be giving a talk, slide presentation and book signing about his latest book “Dogs Make Us Human”.  He teamed up with bestselling animal writer Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson to create a remarkable book that will be treasured by dog lovers far and wide.

If you have followed Art on the blog about this new title, here is a great opportunity to actually hear him talk about the project.

Books will be available for purchase and Art will be signing them following his presentation.

>>Village Books BLOG

If you aren’t in the Bellingham area, make sure your library (or yourselves) orders copies of his book.  It is a great book for all ages.

mountain ridge

Regard Sauvage French Book Just Out!

Regard Sauvage

Art Wolfe, photographe animalier mondialement reconnu, nous livre ici la quintessence de son travail photographique. Ses récits émaillent l’ouvrage divisé en sept chapitres : Amérique du Nord, Afrique, Antarctique, Europe, Océanie, Amérique du Sud et Asie. Chacune de ces parties est précédée par un texte dans lequel Art Wolfe lui-même se confie sur son expérience unique.

À travers de nombreuses anecdotes, il nous livre les situations insolites auxquelles il a été confronté lors de ses nombreux voyages aux quatre coins du globe. Il nous raconte, par exemple, ses longues promenades en compagnie de manchots royaux, sa rencontre extraordinaire avec un gigantesque lion, ou encore la fois où, alors qu’il cherchait le bon angle pour une photo, il s’est retrouvé coincé sous un bébé éléphant de mer. Le récit de ces moments rares est illustré par des photographies exceptionnelles, dont seul Art Wolfe a le secret, et qui reflètent l’immense talent de ce photographe animalier hors du commun.

224 Pages, 160 Photographes, 280 mm (largeur) x 300 mm (hauteur), broché

Éditions de la Martinière

Need Translation help?

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Tacoma Library November 3rd Dog Talk!

Join Art Wolfe at the Main Library in the Olympic Room at 7:00pm on Thursday, November 3, 2011.

Art will be giving a talk, slide presentation and book signing about his latest book “Dogs Make Us Human”.  He teamed up with bestselling animal writer Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson to create a remarkable book that will be treasured by dog lovers far and wide.

If you have followed Art on the blog about this new title, here is a great opportunity to actually hear him talk about the project.

Books will be available for purchase and Art will be signing them following his presentation.

If you aren’t in the Tacoma area, make sure your library (or yourselves) orders copies of his book.  It is a great book for all ages.

>>CLICK HERE for more info about the Tacoma Library events

>>CLICK HERE for Directions to the Tacoma Main Library

mountain ridge

Animal Art New Book!

BLOG: Animal Art published in Germany! – Images by Art Wolfe
New from Frederking & Thaler for our German-speaking fans!


Bilder von grandioser Ästhetik und faszinierender Schönheit
Art Wolfes Tier- und Naturaufnahmen sind legendär und gelten zu Recht als Kunst. Mit „Animal Art“ öffnet der Meister sein Archiv: Die 160 besten Bilder aus 30 Jahren Fotografie dokumentieren seine Reisen um den Globus und seine Hingabe an die Natur. In begleitenden Texten gestattet Wolfe einen intimen Blick auf den Menschen hinter der Kamera. Eine bildgewaltige Begegnung mit den Lebewesen unserer Erde und ihrem wohl besten Dokumentar.

224 Seiten, ca. 160 Abbildungen, Format 28,0 x 30,0 cm, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag

>>Order from Amazon (Germany)

mountain ridge

“Dogs Make Us Human” Available now!

Listen to Jeffrey and Art describe this collaborative project.

“Dogs Make Us Human” is available now!



I’m giving this book to all my dog loving friends this Christmas. Gorgeous photos by Art Wolfe and lively and emotional text by Jeffrey Masson.

What I like most about this book is that it has avoided the usualy cutesy pictures. Rather it has a kind of multicultural theme. It shows us the universal bond between humans and dogs. With pictures of stone age tribes, asian boat people, African children, and rich snoots on Fifth Avenue.

The publisher compared this book to The Family of Man. That seems entirely appropriate. And it is time to acknowledge that dogs are part of that universal family as well.


mountain ridge

Catching Up With Richard Dawkins

Preeminent evolutionary biologist and controversial author Richard Dawkins is famous for taking on the difficult issues. We had the honor of working with him a decade ago when he contributed an essay to Art’s masterwork The Living Wild.

>>Read His Essay

>>Read his profile & watch a video interview:

mountain ridge

Pre-Order Now “Dogs Make Us Human”


We are excited to be able to begin taking pre-orders for Art Wolfe’s newest book “Dogs Make Us Human”.  Photography by Art Wolfe and written by award winning author Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson.


Due to ship the first week of October, 2011.

mountain ridge