Moving Sale 50% OFF EVERYTHING!
Here are a couple of prints we have in our gallery right now. We are moving our administration offices next week and the gallery in the coming weeks. We don’t want to have to move all these prints and books, so we are offering them for an unbelievable discount of 50% OFF!
The 50% OFF extends to prints, books, DVD’s, calendars, cards. EVERYTHING!
If you have wanted an Art Wolfe print or book, now is the time to make your move.
This sale is limited to stock on hand in our Seattle gallery.
We are open M-F 9 to 5 and Saturday, 10-4. Come in or call us at 206-332-0993.
Help us to reduce the amount of things we have to move and help yourself by getting a great deal!
We just received back a traveling show of prints. They are beautiful and 50% OFF, too.