Classic Hikes of North America by Peter Potterfield


Good friend and veteran adventure journalist Peter Potterfield has traversed an entire continent to compile an essential guide to twenty-five of the most magnificent trails across the United States and Canada. Beautifully photographed and eminently practical, CLASSIC HIKES OF NORTH AMERICA [W. W. Norton & Company; August 6, 2012; $39.95 hardcover] analyzes spectacular vistas with both beginners and avid hikers in mind.
Three decades have passed since Potterfield “succumbed to the irresistible appeal of the wilderness,” and in that time, he’s mastered a critical skill: identifying where to go. There are an infinite number of breathtaking patches of wilderness and, understanding that it would take lifetimes to see them all, Potterfield undertook the task of prioritizing the routes that brought the greatest return on time, effort, and expense.

Illustrated with more than 200 full color photographs and hiking directions, this volume awakens our wanderlust and demands a journey into the wilderness. The dazzling images and Potterfield’s lush prose offer provocative glimpses at the “sublime experience” of roaming through iconic landscapes and storied peaks. The routes included in this guide cover the Northern Loop in Mount Rainier National Park in Washington, the Sawtooth Traverse in Idaho, the Coyote Gulch in the Canyons of the Escalante in Utah, the Hermit-Bright Angel Loop in Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona the Slate Range in the Canadian Rockies, and many more.

In addition to providing inspiration, THE CLASSIC HIKES OF NORTH AMERICA is an indispensable source of practical knowledge for those who are ready to venture into the backcountry. Potterfield provides detailed information on each trail and the result is a uniform, accessible guide to the American wilderness. Each chapter contains wisdom such as: level of difficulty, trail conditions, recommended seasons, potential hazards and difficulties, resource information, and detailed maps of hiking routes.

Potterfield, who first journeyed into the backcountry in the 1970s, has hiked and photographed hundreds of trails, learning invaluable lessons along the way. He shares his remarkable wealth of knowledge in CLASSIC HIKES OF NORTH AMERICA, offering his expertise to future generations of hikers and adventurers. This beautiful and informative book truly shows the North American wilderness at its best.

Catch Peter for an engaging slide show & discussion of Classic Hikes of North America at the following locations:

August 3 @ 3:30: Debut booksigning in the Magellan booth at the Outdoor Retailer show, Salt Lake City, Utah

Sept 23: Bend Oregon Great Outdoors Store

Oct 9: Boston Reading REI
Oct 10: Boston downtown REI
Oct 11: DC—Rockville REI
Oct 12: DC—Fairfax REI
Oct 16 Redmond (Seattle) REI
Oct 17 Seattle Flagship REI
Oct 25 New York SoHo REI
Oct 30 Saratoga REI
Oct 31 Corte Madera REI

Nov 1 Berkeley REI
Nov 2 San Carols REI
Nov 7 San Diego REI
Nov 8 Los Angeles Santa Monica REI
Nov 14 Chicago Downtown REI (Lincoln Park)
Nov 28 Minneapolis Flagship REI (Bloomington)

Dec 5: Portland Downtown REI (Oregon)
Dec 6: South Puget Sound REI (Olympia, WA)

mountain ridge



We have just added “Human Canvas” to our list of offerings on the Art Wolfe Website.

The Human Canvas Project is an elevated new work from Art Wolfe. For several years now Art has been working on nude figure studies inspired by his lifelong work with indigenous cultures. This work combines the beauty of nature’s creation of the human form together with an artist’s expression of graphic elements drawn from 30 years of photographing nature and cultures throughout the world.

The collector’s edition book HUMAN CANVAS is the triumphant culmination of this project & it is now available for pre-order. This 13×15 inch monograph is presented in a custom cloth wrapped clamshell. Included with the book is an 11×14 inch collectors edition print signed by Art Wolfe. For all pre-sale purchasers, you can choose two prints. Only one print will accompany the book once it is for public sale.

Limited edition prints are also available on the website.

See the article in Black & White magazine, available on newsstands on July 24th.

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World Water Day March 22, 2012

BLOG: World Water Day – Images by Art Wolfe

International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.


If you are interested in exploring the subject further, check out the iLCP’s award-winning beautiful book on the freshwater ecosystems of the world:

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Landschaft Zwischen Himmel und Erde


Überwältigend schöne Bilder

vom Meister der Naturfotografie

Publisher Frederking & Thaler is reissuing the award-winning German edition Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky in Europe!

Bergspitzen, die wie glühendes Eisen in der Sonne leuchten, Kaskaden von Licht über brechenden Pazifikwellen, das berauschende Farbspiel herbstlicher Wälder und die glasklare Schönheit eisbedeckter Granitberge. Wolfes Bilder sind sensationell, atemberaubend und immer wieder faszinierend. In Landschaften zwischen Himmel und Erde porträtiert er Natur rund um den Globus und schafft ein Werk, das uns Seite für Seite ins Staunen versetzt.

240 Seiten, ca. 300 Abbildungen, Format 24,5 x 30,5 cm, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag

Available from

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Hard on the heels of REGARD SAUVAGE and ANIMAL ART comes WERELD NATUUR, Art’s first book translated into Dutch!

World Wildlife Fund of the Netherlands is now offering WERELD NATUUR as a donation premium, in celebration of their 50 year anniversary of saving wildlife around the world.  Take a look inside the book and pledge your support today!

“Geef 44,95 euro of meer en ontvang dit boek Wereld natuur

Grandioze, kunstzinnige foto’s van een adembenemende schoonheid: Art Wolfe, onbetwist een van de beste natuurfotografen ter wereld, presenteert in ‘Wereldnatuur’ de 160 mooiste opnamen uit zijn carrière. Hij volgt het spoor van zijn reizen over alle continenten en biedt ons een blik op de mens achter de camera, op zijn ervaringen en op het leven in de wildernis. Een bijzondere ontmoeting met het dierenleven op aarde, in fantastische beelden vastgelegd. “

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Finding Lost Gems II


Art Wolfe’s first natural history monogram

We have found a very few perfectly preserved copies of “The Imagery of Art Wolfe.” Published in 1986 by Arpel Graphics and beautifully printed in France, “The Imagery” features 100 seminal photos in full color as well as a silver embossed cover and endpieces featuring original artwork by Art himself.

>>CLICK HERE to order

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Moving Sale 50% OFF EVERYTHING!



Here are a couple of prints we have in our gallery right now. We are moving our administration offices next week and the gallery in the coming weeks. We don’t want to have to move all these prints and books, so we are offering them for an unbelievable discount of 50% OFF!

The 50% OFF extends to prints, books, DVD’s, calendars, cards. EVERYTHING!

If you have wanted an Art Wolfe print or book, now is the time to make your move.

This sale is limited to stock on hand in our Seattle gallery.

We are open M-F 9 to 5 and Saturday, 10-4. Come in or call us at 206-332-0993.

Help us to reduce the amount of things we have to move and help yourself by getting a great deal!

We just received back a traveling show of prints. They are beautiful and 50% OFF, too.

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Finding Lost Gems


In the process of moving our studio office and gallery (more on that to come, so stay tuned), we are unearthing some gems. Among them is The Kingdom: Wildlife in North America.

Published in 1992 by Sierra Club Books, this large format book pairs stimulating essays by renowned naturalist Douglas Chadwick and Art’s luminous photographs.

We now have in stock a very limited number of shrink-wrapped, never-before-sold copies of this long out-of-print title. This out-of-print title is available in our gallery in Seattle, you can call us to order, or >>CLICK HERE.

206-332-0993 or Toll Free 888-973-0011

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Photographing the 4th Dimension: TIME


Friend and fellow blogger Jim Goldstein has a new book (eBook) out that you should know about. We have featured a link on the side of our blog to go there and get this great new resource, or CLICK HERE.

Photographing the 4th Dimension – Time was created to inspire photographers creatively and technically through the exploration of slow shutter and video techniques. 7 creative photography techniques are discussed that in any other photography book might seem unrelated, but each provide the means to convey the passage of time in a manner that creates high impact imagery. Each section includes detailed tips, step-by-step instruction, gear & software recommendations. As a bonus there is even a field checklist to keep in your camera bag, so as to never miss an opportunity in the field. Techniques discussed include long exposures, light painting, star trails, cinemagraphs, time-lapse photography and more. 

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Why Dogs Make Us Human

Art has some fun, and as you will see, explains why Dogs Make Us Human.


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