We had a long day of driving today as we headed back to Reykjavik from the south coast. Late last week the Kafla volcano had a small eruption under the ice, and glacial meltwater rushed down and washed out the bridge on the highway. We were forced to alter our route somewhat and had to retreat through the highlands. Our photographic surprise for today were horses. There’s never a dull moment when these spunky little guys are around—they are truly a horse in a pony-sized package!
In their July issue, the UK’s Photo Plus magazine is celebrating its 50th birthday. To help them celebrate, they’ve asked 50 of their favorite Canon photographers, yours truly included, to share their very best images – along with their insider tips on how you, too, can capture such inspiring photographs.
CLICK HERE – FOR AN EXCERPT FROM PHOTOPLUS MAGAZINE ISSUE 50 – ON SALE NOW. To read the full article in all its glory and to see the Top 50 Photographers and their photos, go to http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk/photography/ where you can subscribe or buy individual issues.
The Top 50 Photographers as featured in PhotoPlus issue 50, in no particular order, are:
We certainly don’t feel like sleeping much because there is really no night here at all at this time of year. However, this makes it very difficult to get up in the morning! Coming soon: icebergs!
You’ve probably heard many photographers talk about getting shots during the “magic hour”, other people may call this “at sunset”. Learn how to get the best sunset photos, shot on location in Baja.
Although I have spend nearly all my time teaching the first couple days of my latest international workshop, I have managed to get a few shots of my students working in geyser steam, the beautiful waterfalls, and stubby Icelandic ponies.
It seems that, once again, humans and human activity, such as roads and environmental exploitation, are more of a threat to large ungulates than wolves.
The Conservation Canines of the Center for Conservation Biology are providing much needed data that gives a more accurate picture of what is happening to Caribou and Wolves.
UPDATE! – As a follow-up to this post from June 23, just wanted to say GREAT JOB, SEATTLE!!
Over $3.5 million dollars in 17 hours was raised for nonprofits in our area. CLICK for more details.
Give BIG, Seattle! Today through midnight you have the opportunity to stretch your donation dollars by giving to your favorite local nonprofits through The Seattle Foundation.
It’s a great time to support those local environmental groups that work so hard to keep our city and state green and clean!
The Solstice Parade is a great Northwestern tradition. Every year it takes place in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, the self-styled “Center of the Universe.” It is a rich and colorful venue and a great place to take photos. Last year I was able to get a few shots that made it into my book coming out this fall “Dogs Make Us Human.” Now I am working on a new book which is a look at children from all over the world. It wouldn’t be complete without a photo or two from the center of the universe!