Bears & Salmon

Bears & Salmon – Images by Art Wolfe

Katmai National Park is one of my go-to places for bears. It is extraordinary to say the least & the scenery isn’t too shabby either. In particular, I was able to photograph a sow & her two cubs. She looked at me, looked at her cubs, and sat down as if giving me permission.

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

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In Search of Orcas

British Columbia and the San Juans July 2013 – Images by Art Wolfe

My friends and I had a great time wandering around various parts of the Salish Sea in search of orca whales. While we did finally spot 8 transient whales on our adventure it takes either really good light or unusual behaviors such as spy hopping and breaching the surface to make the photo and alas we had neither that day. To really photograph orcas takes a bit of luck (which I often have) and a lot of time (which I never have). I have been fortunate enough to see them in Antarctica, Argentina, New Zealand, Norway, and Alaska and I was hoping to have some shots of them in my own back yard for my next book project but it wasn’t to be this time around.

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

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More from the Amazon

Amazon aerials & primates – Images by Art Wolfe

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

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Q2 – Photo Review

Art’s faves from April thru June!

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

April-June 2013 Destinations:

Chilean & Argentinian Patagonia; Central Germany & Italy; Bay Area, CA; Puget Sound, WA; Semporna Islands, Malaysia; and Kimberley, Western Australia.

Special events:

Publication of “The New Art of Photographing Nature” with Martha Hill & Tim Grey (Amphoto Books); Talk at Google

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Interview in Ami Magazine

Nissi Unger at Ami Magazine interviewed me.

Link to the full article:

Interview with Art Wolfe

Learn more about the publication:

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Garden for Wildlife Month 2013

Art’s Yard – Images by Art Wolfe

May is Garden for Wildlife Month!

Get your yard certified as wildlife habitat through the National Wildlife Federation. Mine is!

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On Location: I Gatti della Toscana

I Gatti di Toscana – Images by Art Wolfe

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The New Art of  Photographing Nature

Officially publishes today, April 2.

Here is an excerpt from The New Art of Photographing Nature that is officially available today.

The New Art of Photographing Nature – Excerpt by Crown Publishing Group

We are proud to present this fully revised edition of the classic bestseller The Art of Photographing Nature, in which master photographer Art Wolfe and former Audubon photo editor Martha Hill team up to explain the art of composing images of enduring beauty. Against a backdrop of more than 250 photographs of nature, wildlife, and landscapes, they share insights and advice about what works and what doesn’t, and how small changes can take an image from ordinary to extraordinary.


We have the book in stock and are filling orders now.

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On Location: Torres del Paine National Park

Torres del Paine National Park #1 – Images by Art Wolfe

It has been great shooting in Chile’s premier national park, Torres del Paine, the last few days. In just a few days I will be returning with another group to show them the wonders of this amazing landscape.

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Still Working on Firsts

Pumas – Images by Art Wolfe

It has become a year of firsts for me: in Japan I was able to photograph the Steller’s sea eagles for the first time, and now when I am in Chilean Patagonia, I have been able to photograph Southern South American pumas and their cubs. A couple of these photos will surely find their way into my next book project for 2014.

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