I have so much to be thankful for this year, most notably with the upcoming release of a project several years in the making in WILD LIVES. I’ve also enjoyed getting back to a full year of travel with amazing friends, new and old. Speaking of friends – for the folks around my home town of Seattle, I sincerely do appreciate the time I’m able to get together with you when I’m home. Being on the go so often really makes me appreciate what I have here at “home base”!
With so much strife happening in the world currently, lets make every effort to truly appreciate our friends and loved ones, stow away our differences in opinion – and just be thankful for the time we have together!
It’s the final Wild Wednesday before Wild Lives is officially published next Tuesday! Today I’m taking you to Brazil, where I was fortunate enough to photograph a family of Harpy Eagles in their nest. This has been a trip I had anticipated for some time and it didn’t disappoint thanks to a fantastic guide and a blind platform that got us close to the eagles without disrupting their routine.
If you haven’t preordered your copy of the book yet, now is the time! All preorders will be signed and will come with access to five wildlife-focused episodes of my Pathways to Creativity video lecture series.
Happy Wild Wednesday! It’s a safe bet that I’m kicking off most calendar years lately experiencing winter in Japan and photographing the abundant wildlife in the Honshu and Hokkaido regions. This past year was no different as I captured more images for Wild Lives.
This past week has been Polar Bear Week – observed during the fall polar bear migration to Churchill, Manitoba. Here the bears await the winter season and the cold that will freeze-over Hudson Bay, granting the bears access to hunt seals. One of the symptoms of a changing climate has been a shortened ice season. This provides an opportunity to photograph the bears with their stark white fur against darker backgrounds than the ice and snow we are used to seeing.
This was a great trip as several of the bears turned out to be real characters, mugging for the camera and putting on a show for us. Visiting Churchill is always unique experience. This is a town that exist on the fringe where the frozen north pole meets the rest of the earth, that has learned to co-exist with a local bear population that at times rivals the number of people living in the area.
Wild Wednesday continues with a recent trip to Glacier Bay. We try to run this one every other year or so, and we’ve been fortunate to work with great people on the ground and on the water in Alaska. This time around we were treated to epic breaching whales, sometimes two at a time. Great company, seafood as fresh as it gets, plentiful wildlife, and beautiful Alaskan vistas – it’s the complete package!
I recently sat down once again with Parimal Deshpande for an episode of Earth Is Our Witness – in which I was the subject rather than the Artist-In-Residence. We’ll be releasing the episode in its entirety this holiday season. Until then, enjoy this segment on photographing wildlife in Africa as I discuss a variety of subjects ranging from conservation to technique – and stay tuned for more as we approach the release of Wild Lives!
Don’t forget to follow Earth Is Our Witness on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook for more amazing photographs and the stories behind them.
Happy Friday! The Grand Teton workshop is a wrap & it was fantastic, to say the least. Never before have we had such great luck with finding wildlife, bears in particular. We were blessed by the presence of Grizzly 610 and her three second-year cubs. Not only is 610 a hero mother, she is a tough survivor—in early October she was struck by a car, but came out of it OK. Born in 2006, She is a famous bear with her own Instagram and X accounts with thousands of followers (including me). Bison abounded, moose were off foraging in the lakes and willow thickets, and birdlife was all aflutter. Of course, the landscapes were breathtaking, with robust fall color.
All-in-all, a fantastic workshop full of variety and most importantly, great company. Check out what’s coming up this spring and take a trip with us!
A while back I went to Thailand in hopes of capturing the millions of bats that erupt from caves every evening, forming an hour-long stream of the furry fliers. My goal was to capture sharp images of plentiful bats to form patterns, and with the latest camera technology – mission accomplished. I can’t wait to see these printed in WILD LIVES, which releases in just about a month – preorder your copy today!
It’s another WILD Wednesday! Wild Lives will be published on November 28th, and there’s still plenty of time to pre-order your signed copy. Until the book’s release, we’ll be celebrating Wild every Wednesday with new behind-the-scenes footage and stories.
This week, I’m highlighting the location where the cover of Wild was captured – Katmai, Alaska. I lead tours in this location annually, and yet I always manage to come away with something different! It’s been an incredible experience to have been coming here for so long and seeing recognizable juvenile bears mature into adults and have cubs of their own. It should be noted that much of this video was shot on an iphone in 4K and is cropped in a bit making the animals appear quite close. Always keep a safe distance between yourself and any large animal! Even in the dramatic cover of Wild Lives, where my demise looks imminent, I’m a comfortable distance away shooting with a telephoto lens, and this bear is focused on charging for fish – not hunting photographers!
Books arrive next month – time to do some arm-stretches before the signing begins!
Welcome to the first of several WILD Wednesdays. Each Wednesday up until the official publishing date of Wild Lives on November 28th, I’ll be previewing the book with some behind-the-scenes footage from a handful of the many locations I visited to capture images for this massive, beautiful book – and I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
This week I’m sharing footage captured in Ladakh, India where we set about locating the elusive, legendary snow leopard. While there are some easier ways to capture this cunning cat, I wanted to ensure the photos I captured were indeed ‘wild’, and not an opportunity I would be sharing with numerous other tourists and photographers. This meant shooting from a distance. Fortunately the latest lens, software, and printing technology allowed for the creation of sharp images that both emphasized these great cats as well as their place in the rocky environments where they hunt.
Enjoy the video and tune in next Wednesday for more behind the scenes of Wild Lives. For fans of Tequila Time and Earth Is Our Witness, Parimal and myself have a special episode of Earth Is Our Witness in store for you as well! While you’re here, don’t forget to pre-order your signed copy!