Tales By Light coming to Netflix 11/11
I was honored to be a part of the first season of Tales By Light, and it’s coming to netflix tomorrow, November 11th! Produced by Canon Australia, this series follows myself and four other renowned photographers as we explore some of the lesser known locations across the world. The series was shot in 4K and originally aired on the National Geographic Channel in Australia, and now comes to Netflix for all to enjoy.
For my part, I am excited that many more of you will get to see episodes that include two facets of my work that I’m very passionate about. In “Tribes”, you’ll catch glimpses of my work with the Surma people of Ethiopia, whom helped me to create works for the Human Canvas Project; and in “Wild”, among other locations, I visit Alaska to photograph the mountainous landscape and brown bears of a region in which I lead workshops every year.
I hope you enjoy this series as much as I enjoyed participating in it!