If you caught the recent episode of Tequila Time, I shared images from our recent Olympic Workshop and also discussed just a few of the many lessons we teach in this beautiful location. Sure, there are the typical scenic shots to capture- but anyone can set up a tripod and take the same old shot. This doesn’t help us grow our visual vocabulary, however. Fine if all you want are the token travel photos!
A keen eye that’s trained to find the beauty in the less-obvious is going to come away with the more interesting and unique shots. While each one may not be a masterpiece unto itself, every shot in which you are mindfully seeking compositions that hold the viewers eye in the frame represents a cognitive effort to improve your artistic eye.
Much like a truly invested fine artist will more often than not have dozens of sketch books of incomplete works, never intending to see the light of day, it’s through this practice of finding a shot where others don’t see one that will translate to taking ALL of your photos to the next level.
In the video above are just a few examples of learning to see beauty and something worth capturing in scenes that others might quite literally walk right by. While you may want the big picture of the old-growth forest, it’s really the misshapen lumps of knotted limbs saturated in moss that show the verdant and wild nature of this location. What appear to be simple shots of limbs and trees are intentionally composed to frame the leading lines to keep the viewer’s eye engaged.
Again, not every shot you take needs to be in consideration to sell as a fine art print. On the contrary, most of your shots, much like the sketches of master fine artists are simple tools to train your eye over time.
It’s been a trying year for everyone, but it’s been nice to see the signs of a slow but steady return to normalcy as more folks receive their vaccinations. I for one have received my vaccine and am champing at the bit to get back to what I love – traveling, teaching, and connecting with our workshop participants!
We have a number of workshops coming up – both here in the Pacific Northwest and abroad. I highlighted our upcoming Port Townsend and Majestic Redwoods workshops with a Quick video slideshow on the blog last week. I also talked about the upcoming Mongolia Journey.
To ensure safety of all participants we will ask for proof of vaccination or a COVID test within 72 ours of the workshop. Safety first! As always, if you have any specific questions regarding the workshops I’m offering, head to our contact page for a number of ways to get them answered!
Here is a current list of all our upcoming workshops, excluding several that have already sold out – sign up today to ensure your spot!
A couple days ago I posted some photos from Mongolia in anticipation of an upcoming workshop there – and now I’d like to share a couple closer to home! I’ve got several upcoming West Coast workshops with space available to join us on these safe & inspiring locations.
The two I’m highlighting today are newcomers to our workshop rotation. For starters, Port Townsend and the surrounding area provides the backdrop for a new abstract workshop – the perfect follow up and expansion to the ever-popular Abstract Astoria. Here we will visit the port as well as Fort Worden State park, hunting for abstracts to exercise our creative muscles!
Later on in May we will head down to Crescent City, California to photograph the beautiful coastlines as well as the nearby Majestic Redwood forest. I’ve assembled some photos from these locations. Enjoy! Space is limited – click the links below to sign up today!
As mentioned onTequila Time, I can’t wait to get back out in the field for our upcoming slate of workshops and tours! Of course we will promote safety first, as I’m sure we are all anxious to put a tumultuous year behind us. I’m even more anxious to get back to doing what I love – teaching workshops, and joining friends new and old for amazing experiences both in our Pacific Northwest workshops and abroad.
On the subject of workshops abroad, there is still room to join me for the photographic journey we have slated for July of this year. Space is limited, so if you’re interested let us know today!
In the video above, I share some images of the things we will see on this epic adventure to one of the least-densely populated countries in the world, where in total there is only a population density of five individuals per square mile. Vast landscapes, interesting wildlife such as the yaks famous in the region, and of course the culture are all aspects we hope to capture in the remote areas we will visit.
If you happened to catch last night’s episode of Tequila Time, you may have heard about the slate of upcoming COVID-compliant workshops we have available. Now that spring is here, you might be anxious to get out and shoot, and we have two workshops happening this month with a few openings yet available for those able to get tested and get to the Pacific Northwest!
In just a couple of weeks, I’ll be leading my signature Olympic Peninsula workshop. Last night on Tequila Time, I shared some of the photos I took this past weekend while scouting the area to refresh myself and find some new places to explore. Check out the video at the bottom of this post to see the photos and hear me talk about what I look for in this beautiful old-growth forest and all of the features it encompasses and it’s surroundings.
Abstract Astoria still has a few spots left, although I anticipate we will fill these quickly! I still continue to mine this location for all it has to offer, both in terms of a top-notch place to simply spend a weekend, as well as a time-worn historic beacon of the West Coast that provides so many subjects and themes to photograph.
If March is too soon, check out the full slate of 2021 workshops, and I hope to see you in the field for a safe and inspired year of getting back to doing the things we love!
We learned a great deal last year about how to conduct workshops in the field and keep our participants safe and healthy. It is so fun to get out and photograph with a group of like minded people, I am really looking forward to doing that again! I hope you will join me on one of my small group workshops.
Our goal of course is to conduct our workshops as safely as possible. Participants will be asked to either have received their COVID vaccine, which I intend to have before these workshops kick off – or a negative covid test within 72 hours of our workshop commencing. Masks and adequate distancing will be required, and we will ensure that any restaurants we intend to visit have been vetted to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
I can’t wait to get out there to shoot and teach again! Beyond my book projects, teaching in the field is what keeps me motivated. As much as I’ve enjoyed getting some quality time in the garden over the past many months as well as the many live streams we will continue to do, nothing compares to being in the field.
Visit EVENTS.ARTWOLFE.COM or click the images below to explore the possibilities!
After a scouting trip last week I have made the executive decision to switch the upcoming Abstract Astoria workshop location to beautiful Port Townsend on the northeast tip of the Olympic Peninsula. It offers just as much or more photo opportunities and I am particularly smitten with the bunkers at Fort Worden State Park, the waterfront, and the wonderful restaurants. Join me there right after the election! We’ll all need a bit of a respite!
Of course, we are keeping our workshops to safe and small groups. Only a few spots are left – sign up today!
If you’d like a little more insight into what I’m looking for when on the hunt for intriguing abstract shots, check out last night’s episode of Tequila Time, where I discuss one of the major themes I teach in this and other workshops, as well as my Pathways to Creativity streaming series – expanding your visual vocabulary! Check it out!
Much like last night’s episode of Earth is Our Witness, Tequila Time will be happening at a special time this week – LIVE tonight at 5:30! Parimal won’t be able to host this time around, but for those of you who know her or have spoken to her on the phone when calling the office my assistant Libby will be on hand to help me run the show, along with still-States-bound Gavriel. We will miss Parimal’s hosting acumen but I’ve got some photos to show from our recent Bandon workshop to share. The smoke in the atmosphere made for some interesting images. That being said, I hope everyone and their property is safe and sound from these terrible fires. Join us live on Facebook and Instagram!
As much as I can, I’ll try to keep the live stream times consistent but the important thing is that we all get the time together, regardless of when it happens – so I’ll keep you in the loop and hope you can join me – and if you can’t you can always check out my Instagram TV, Facebook Videos, and of course the Tequila Time page on my website to view past episodes!
If you missed it last evening, Parimal and myself had a great interview with The Animal Kingdom photographer Randal Ford – check out Randal’s work on the Earth Is Our Witness instagram page and if you missed the episode, view it on Facebook and YouTube!
Happy Friday! Apologies for a light week on the blog, but a lot has been going on – I talked about upcoming workshops last night on Tequila Time. It goes without saying, but I will say it anyways – safety first! We take the pandemic seriously, and with an appropriate measured preparations and precautions. As we start traveling again with the hopes of a vaccine on the horizon, I’m taking every precaution to keep myself and our participants safe. We come with masks and hand sanitizer for all participants, and both Gavriel and myself are COVID tested and ready to get out there!
If you’re local to the Pacific Northwest or plan to be in the area soon, We have a few spaces left in upcoming workshops, including one space remaining to join us on the Oregon coast in Bandon next week! The Mt. Rainier Fall Color workshop has sold out – but now is a great time to sign up for next year with early bird pricing.
Above is a photo gallery from the Olympic Peninsula, home to Lake Quinault and setting for an upcoming workshop at the end of the month. Some of these images you might recognize from last evening’s Tequila Time. A couple spaces remain – don’t miss out if you’re aching to get out and shoot!
If you missed it, catch up on last night’s interview with legendary surf photographer Ted Grambeau on Earth Is Our Witness either on Facebook or YouTube. As usual, the EIOW Instagram page has images of all our featured photographers. Come for the fantastic photographs, but stay for the humor and immersive stories our guests have to share!
Last but not least, we have ANOTHER Earth Is Our Witness happening tomorrow at 10 AM PST – this time with Manoocher Deghati. Manoocher has been photographing world events for over four decades including the Iranian revolution in his home country, from which he has been living in exile since 1985 when he was forbidden to leave his home with his camera. There are sure to be some fascinating stories here!
In case you couldn’t make the live broadcast last night, I’m down in Astoria, Oregon leading a small, safe, masked, and socially distanced group on my Abstract Astoria workshop. WHY is Astoria so alluring to me? Find out here -> Tequila time Episode 19
We are also almost all the way finished with Season 1 of Pathways to Creativity. I can’t wait to get started on season 2, but admittedly it’ll be nice to have a break from the recording process! With 3 episodes yet to go, season 1 is already clocking in at nine hours and twenty-two minutes – that’s a lot of talking to my computer!