Tequila Time Images, Earth is Our Witness w/Bandeep Signh!

As promised during Tequila Time last night, here are the images from last night’s talk in case you wanted a closer look. As always we can print almost any image you see here, on my website, or anywhere else! Contact my staff and let them know what you’re looking for  – they would be happy to help walk you through the process. If you happen to like an image from this series, just use the “i” button to see the photo info and note the last 3 digits of the file name when you inquire about the image.

In case you missed it, after TT Parimal and myself also had a great talk with Bandeep Singh and his never before seen body of work, “Gaia’s Song”. Check it out, and be sure to follow Earth is our witness on YouTube for more great interviews with photographers about their important work documenting culture, conservation, climate, and more!

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Pathways to Creativity Episode 11: Color Theory is up!

Season 1 of Pathways to Creativity is just about in the books, with a new episode dropping today! This one is all about color – and in some part, lack thereof. I find that while many photographers do focus on important factors like light and composition, color is equally as important but often goes overlooked.

When I shoot, it doesn’t matter if it’s wildlife, culture, abstract, or the landscape – I’m always looking for ways to use color creatively. I also touch briefly on infrared photography, and spend a good chunk of time talking about contrast both high and low.

If you haven’t hopped on board, now is a good time to do so – you can be caught up just in time for the final episodes of season 1 and prepared for more to come!

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ICYM – Tequila Time, Live from Astoria Oregon!

In case you couldn’t make the live broadcast last night, I’m down in Astoria, Oregon leading a small, safe, masked, and socially distanced group on my Abstract Astoria workshop. WHY is Astoria so alluring to me? Find out here -> Tequila time Episode 19

We are also almost all the way finished with Season 1 of Pathways to Creativity. I can’t wait to get started on season 2, but admittedly it’ll be nice to have a break from the recording process! With 3 episodes yet to go, season 1 is already clocking in at nine hours and twenty-two minutes – that’s a lot of talking to my computer!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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Witness with Michelle Valberg & Submit your Tequila Time questions!

Hard to believe it, but we’ve been doing a weekly live broadcast every Thursday night for four months now. If you’ve been missing out and can make it work with your time zone, make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss out on tomorrow’s live broadcast! I need your help though – in the form of more questions! Leave a comment below with anything you might want to know about photography, my career, or something completely random – have fun with it!

We’ve also added Earth Is Our Witness to the mix, which is a fantastic way to get to know some of the world’s greatest photographers some of which you’ve likely heard of, and others you should know! The premise of EIOW is to emphasize the ways that we are, by and large, similar around the world, with the same goals, dreams, and wishes for our friends, our families, and ourselves.

This week on EIOW, we will be talking with Canadian Geographic photographer-in-residence & Nikon Ambassador Michelle Valberg on her work in the Arctic and the inspiring stories behind the lives of the Inuit people who reside there.

Tequila Time kicks off at 5:30 PM PST every Thursday on Facebook Live & Instagram.

Earth is Our Witness begins at 7 PM PST on Thursday on Facebook Live & Youtube.

Enjoy – oh and last but not least, Pathways to Creativity episode 9: Using Light Part 1 is up and available!

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Technique Tuesday – Depth of Field! PTC Episode 8 Has Arrived!

Learning to master depth of field is no small task and it’s a skill I’ve honed over decades of shooting all manner of subjects. Knowing when to capture the entirety of your scene in sharp focus, or when to selectively and intentionally bring focus to one area of the shot to capture the viewers eye is an important decision to make once you’ve determined your subject. For those of you who have purchased Pathways to Creativity, a new episode is available on the subject – join me for a deep dive!

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Earth Is Our Witness with Jasmine Carey – EIOW/TT Recap!

There was a lot going on this week!

First and foremost is the live broadcast in which Parimal and myself spoke with Jasmine Carey about her work as an ocean and underwater photographer. I won’t spoil too much – watch the video! You won’t be disappointed by this interview and her gorgeous photos. Jasmine was the Grand Prize winner of this year’s prestigious HIPA Award for their theme of “Water”. You’ll understand why!

If you missed any previous installments of Earth Is Our Witness and don’t want to miss a future episode in which we might be chatting with one of your personal favorite photographers, give Earth is Our Witness a follow on Facebook!

Check out Jasmine’s website as well. Her online store includes a gift box of miniature prints, with a large portion of the proceeds benefiting Rainforest Rescue. Add two to your cart and use the code WITNESS and get one of them for free!

Preceding our chat with Jasmine it was Tequila Time! This week I took a break from showing photos to bring my long-time friend and travel companion Gavriel Jecan on with me. He’s missing his family back in Thailand, as he’s been stuck here in the states. Time to grill the man who makes the margaritas behind the scenes!

Tuesday was a busy day as well. The 7th episode of Pathways to Creativity dropped, and a brand new gift edition format of Trees: Between Earth & Heaven was officially published.

I think that gets you caught up – Enjoy your weekend!

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New: Episode of PTC! Trees Gift Edition! Earth Is Our Witness! Tequila Time!

A lot to catch you up on this Tuesday!

First and foremost, there’s a fresh new episode of Pathways to Creativity uploaded, so if you’ve purchased the season, check it out! This one is all about shutter speeds. Freezing miniscule droplets of water in sharp focus while a tiny bird drinks from a puddle gives us a glimpse into a world we never see with the naked eye, while the blurred motion and lines of a group of zebras through tall grass provides more context than a focused image is capable of conveying. It’s all there!

There is also a gorgeous gift edition of Trees: Between Earth & Heaven available, published as of today! As you saw on a recent episode of Tequila Time, the first edition of Trees is one of my Top 10 personal favorites, and this new gift edition retains the quality of that release in a more compact format.

Last but most definitely not least, if you haven’t already give Earth Is Our Witness a follow on both Facebook and Instagram and be sure to join us live on Thursday evenings following soon after Tequila Time. This week Parimal and myself will be talking with ocean photographer & the prestigious HIPA grand-prize winner Jasmine Carey on the secret lives of whales. I can’t wait! Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who joins our live broadcasts, and those who go back and watch them later. The positive feedback has been tremendous. See you then!

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Earth is Our Witness with Mark Edward Harris & Tequila Time!

In case you missed it, Parimal Deshpande and myself had another fantastic couple of live streams last night – check them out:

If you haven’t followed Earth is Our Witness yet on Facebook and Instagram, we’ve got a fantastic lineup of photographers from a wide range of backgrounds to talk to. Last evening we spoke with Mark Edward Harris, travel photographer with riveting stories from North Korea and Japan. He has a unique perspective from his time spent in these locations, don’t miss it!

Early in the evening I discussed my upcoming book project, Act of Faith with the Tequila Time audience. You can find that video on both Instagram and Facebook. Enjoy, and I’ll see you next week!

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Tequila Time @ 5:30 PM PST / Earth Is Our Witness @ 7 PM PST!

It’s Thursday – That means it’s Tequila Time as well as a new episode of Earth Is Our Witness! If you haven’t joined the fun, things kick off here in a half an hour or so, and because I know folks would love to see higher resolution of the photos I’ll be discussing, here is a slide show in advance of the Tequila flowing!

Tonight on Tequila Time (5:30 PST On Facebook Live & Instagram) I’ll be answering your questions as usually and then presenting a selection of photos from a current book-in-progress called “Act of Faith” – a look at religions and spirituality world wide! If you have any suggestions of obscure faiths that could be interesting to add to my list, drop a commend below!

Earth is Our Witness will feature travel photographer Mark Edward Harris, with stories of North Korea and the Way of the Japanese Bath. It will kick off on the Earth is Our Witness Facebook Live at 7 PM – Give EIOW a follow on both Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date. See you shortly!


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Pathways to Creativity Episode 6: The Big Picture!

It’s Tuesday – that means a new episode of Pathways to Creativity is available!

This week’s episode is titled, “The Big Picture”. It’s all about large landscapes, large formats, and large ideas. I discuss how I ensure that the elements of design we’ve discussed until now don’t get lost in the vastness of an open landscape, or wide panoramic shot.

Enjoy – we are at the half way point of Season 1! Hopefully everyone who has purchased Pathways thus far has found the first 6 hours useful. Don’t forget to leave a comment below, on my on demand page, or contact my staff if you have any feedback on your experience with Pathways, and how to make Season 2 even better!

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