Signature Worthy Papersby Epson

Epson Promotional Mailer

Have you received the newest mailer from Epson describing their New Signature Worthy papers? One of my images is on it.  Go to Epson’s page describing these products and you can watch a video of me talking about them here: >>CLICK

I really love these new Signature Worthy papers from Epson.  They are rich and beautiful with excellent ink holding to support large gamut color images.  All the Hot and Cold Press papers make my images look great.  Thank you Epson for these great new papers and continuing to innovate.

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CHINA:March 25 – April 7

We have filled all but 2 seats on the upcoming Photo Tour to China. Sign up now to secure your place for an unforgettable trip.
View this video for a preview of what to expect.

>>More Information

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The Art Wolfe Workshop Experience

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to take a workshop with Art and his instructors, here is a video that should answer all of those questions.

Art Wolfe Photo Workshop – Grand Teton from Rich Reid on Vimeo.

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Bhutan 5D Mark II Video with Cat

I captured this 20 second video on my recent trip to Bhutan with a Canon 5D Mark II camera.

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Creating the Night Fisherman

Great photography doesn’t just happen by luck…and sometimes involves more work than the final product would indicate. In this video I talk about one of my favorite photographs, the Night Fisherman, and how it came together.

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