Photography as Art Seminar in Boston on Sunday!

A few spaces are still available for Photography As Art at Boston University This Sunday, July 17th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a new perspective on the way we see and capture photographs!

“Photography as Art” is a groundbreaking new seminar created for individuals who want to spark their imagination and discover how to make artistic statements through photography. The all-day seminar encourages creative professionals to see and make art in exciting new ways. With art history as a reference point, participants explore avenues to maintain inspiration, foster their own personal style, and distinguish their photography from others.

Click Here to sign up today!


mountain ridge

Summer 2016 Print Catalog Available Now!

printcol2016summerThe new Art Wolfe Summer Print Catalog is now live on our fine art prints page. Peruse it, share it, be inspired to redecorate! This edition includes several west coast landscape favorites from Washington and California, colorful captures that will make any room pop (no pun intended!), and the iconic image recently selected to appear in the National Parks Service centennial stamp collection.  if you want drama for your wall, that’s the ticket!

See an image you like but it’s not there? Give us a call 888.973.0011 or email


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New Photos from Tanzania’s Lake Natron

My recent trip to Tanzania included a visit to Lake Natron, where I hoped to capture the colonies of lesser and greater flamingos who rely on the area as one of its few consistent breeding grounds in East Africa. As you’ll see from the slide show, our subjects did not disappoint! The salt water lake is home to organisms that manage to thrive in the high salinity and ultimately give the water the rich and varied hues, providing a beautiful backdrop for our shoot.

Pelicans and other birds also made an appearance, and zebras kicked up dust as they traveled through the same region. As mentioned in my previous post – this trip was short but satisfyingly productive and well worth the aggressive travel schedule. I feel this is my strongest work yet in this region, and I hope you enjoy these images!

mountain ridge

Migrations Published in the U.K.


Migrations Book (2016) by Art Wolfe

Migrations: Wildlife in Motion is now available in the U.K.!

Inspired by the imaginative spatial designs of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, photographer Art Wolfe traveled the globe in search of similar patterns in nature. The result is a book of remarkable wildlife images that captures both the beauty and the poignancy of animals on the move.

Migrations: Wildlife in Motion draws the reader into the energy, motion, and enduring spirit of life on the planet. The stunning images capture the delicate balance of our ecosystem, conveying the primordial stirrings that prompt a flock of snow geese to head south, monarch butterflies to bejewel a forest, or a colony of Indiana bats to snuggle in tight hibernation.

Kenya, Japan, South George Island, the Canadian Arctic, and the Ozarks are among the locations that create the backdrop for Wolfe’s dramatic artistry as he showcases “classic migrators,” the beauty of their trek, the splendor of the patterns they create, and the cycles they are compelled to repeat.

Over the course of his forty-year career, award-winning photographer Art Wolfe has worked on every continent and in hundreds of locations. His photographs are recognized throughout the world for their mastery of color, composition, and perspective, and his
photographic mission is multifaceted—art, wildlife advocacy, and journalism all inform his work.

Migrations: Wildlife in Motion is available from fine booksellers and Amazon.

If you want a signed copy & don’t mind paying international shipping, order from our website! Make sure that you indicate you want a signed copy in the notes field upon checkout.


mountain ridge

Print of the Month July 2016 – Emerald Doublet

Green Jays, Texas , Starr County


A pair of green jays fraternizing in Starr county, Texas

Save 20% on any Emerald Doublet print purchased this month. These Open Edition prints are printed on EPSON Premium Photo Luster paper using archival EPSON Ultrachrome inks. Art signs the print with a silver acid-free pen. Get more information about our Fine Art prints here.

mountain ridge

Photos from Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater

I have just returned from a short, but very productive, trip to Tanzania. First up: photos from Ngorongoro Crater, which is the world’s largest inactive caldera covering an area of 100 square miles. The crater is a highly productive grassland, home to thousands of large animals, including wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, rhinos, lions, servals, and hyenas.

mountain ridge

Olympic Roundup

My two workshops on the Olympic Peninsula went off without a hitch. We got some good results in the Quinault rain forest working with the team from Leica. On the second workshop we got absolutely poured on in the Hoh, but that’s why it looks the way it does! Everyone was in great spirits and learned to photograph while holding umbrellas. Then in cleared and the weather gods treated us to a gorgeous afternoon on the Olympic National Park beaches.

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Photography As Art coming to Boston 7/17

“Photography as Art” is a groundbreaking new seminar created for individuals who want to spark their imagination and discover how to make artistic statements through photography. The all-day seminar encourages creative professionals to see and make art in exciting new ways. With art history as a reference point, participants explore avenues to maintain inspiration, foster their own personal style, and distinguish their photography from others.

Only a few spaces remain available for the upcoming seminar at  Boston University Sunday, July 17th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a new perspective on the way we see and capture photographs!

mountain ridge

From Art’s Bookshelf: Light and Dust by Federico Veronesi


Sometimes I come across a book that just blows me away. Light and Dust by Federico Veronesi does just that.

At 26 he relocated to Kenya and has been photographing there intensively ever since. His book is a testament to what great photographer can do when they have a true passion and focus on a particular part of the world.

Light & Dust: Images and Stories from the Wilds of East Africa is available on Amazon.

Check out his website!

mountain ridge

Art Wolfe Photography As Art Instagram Contest #2


PASContest2Welcome to the Art Wolfe #PhotographyAsArt Instagram contest #2! This is the second in a series contests that will highlight the many elements of design integral to crafting compelling images.

Congratulations to our previous winner, Gretchen. Her image was shared on our social media sites as well as our blog!

On July 17th I will be presenting my Photography As Art seminar in Boston. Among the topics we will discuss is pattern. Even in nature, visual patterns are all around us. Let me see your best captures of patterns from the world around you, whether they are completely natural or influenced by man. Remember, It’s Photography as ART – it’s open to interpretation!

The winner will have their selected image resposted to my Facebook and Twitter page, and recognized on my blog at!

Entering is simple:

  1. Follow me on Instagram @artwolfe
  2. Post your personal original photo to your Instagram account using the following hashtags: #ArtWolfe #ExploreCreateInspire #PASBoston
  3. Deadline for entries is midnight PST on July 17th

Feel free to submit multiple images, but always keep in mind that as artists we are only as reputable as our least impactful work!

Best of luck to everyone who enters, and I look forward to more of these in the future!

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