Free Shipping Memorial Day Weekend!

Lone Flamingo, Eduardo Abaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, Bolivia

Free shipping within the U.S. this weekend!

Use the Code: nocostshippingblog

It’s also the last weekend to order our print of the month (pictured above), Flamenco Reflejado at 20% off with bonus free shipping!


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Earth Is My Witness Exhibit Opening at Stadtmuseum Schleswig

SMSL-Anzeige Art Wolfe MM 184x265mm.indd

I am very excited to be opening the latest Earth Is My Witness Exhibit on June 2 at the Stadtmuseum Schleswig in Schleswig, Germany. I will giving a presentation on June 3rd at 8pm at the A. P. Moller-Skolen. Tickets can be purchased by emailing The exhibit runs June 3-October 30.

With his “Earth Is My Witness” project, Art Wolfe presents the highlights of his long experience in photography for the first time in a major retrospective. It is the most comprehensive presentation of his work that has ever been exhibited and it demonstrates his boundless curiosity about the world. The spectrum ranges from exotic themes in subtropical climes, such as a colorful camel market in the Indian town of Pushkar, to the most inhospitable regions on our planet including, for example, the moment at which a polar bear mother and her cubs leave the ice cave after hibernation.

Very few other photo artists can match Art Wolfe who, time and again, comes up with pictures which not only tell a gripping story, but also become icons. Perhaps it is his instinct for just the right moment, the perfect light, the creative use of state-of-the-art exposure technique, and the dialog with his subjects. Art Wolfe’s expertise is impressively demonstrated in the retrospective “Earth Is My Witness”.

The exhibition is an exclusive production by the Städtische Galerie Iserlohn and the Stadtmuseum Schleswig together with the artist. It opens on February 11, 2016 in Iserlohn where it will be open to the public until May 1, 2016. After that, the exhibition will move to the municipal museum in Schleswig and can be seen there from June 2 (opening) to October 30, 2016.



mountain ridge

San Cristobal & Floreana, New Photos From the Galapagos Islands, May 2016

At San Cristobal & Floreana Islands I was able to capture some wonderful shots of the local bird life, and the Galapagos sea lions were all too willing to show off for the camera. I purchased a generic light weight camera housing along the way to ensure I could get these under water shots, although I was admittedly a little weary of putting my new Canon 1DX into the water in a setup that I hadn’t tested before and trust it would not leak, but no guts no glory! The payoff made the risky endeavor worth while as the sea lions gave us quite a show. I also managed to capture schools of fish as well as some boobies looking for a meal.

I couldn’t be happier with what we were able to find on this trip. The local wildlife has been an incredible host for our group.

mountain ridge

From Santa Cruz to Santa Fe, New Photos from the Galápagos Islands, May 2016

I had a great week second week of shooting in the Galápagos. We were able to visit some new locations, and highlights included land iguanas, nesting blue-footed boobies, and colonies of frigate birds. As many people know, I’m particularly drawn towards owls, and on this trip we were able to photograph portraits of the rare Galapagos Short-eared owl. Here on the islands, like all of the other species, the Short-eared owls have evolved into bird eaters primarily feeding on the tiny Storm petrels. Galápagos Sea lions stole the show both above and below the water.

mountain ridge

ICYM – Instagram Photography As Art Contest #1


Monday is the deadline for the first Instagram contest! We’ve had a ton of amazing entries so far.

A few spaces still remain for my Photography As Art seminar in Houston, Texas. Among the topics we will discuss is color. Show me your best photo that captures the stunning colors of the world around you! Think about color schemes, contrast, and composition – but most importantly have fun!

One lucky winner will have their selected image resposted to my Facebook and Twitter page, and recognized on my blog at!

Entering is simple:

  1. Follow me on Instagram @artwolfe
  2. Post your personal original photo to your Instagram account using the following hashtags: #ArtWolfe #ExploreCreateInspire #PASHouston
  3. Deadline for entries is midnight PST on May 23rd

Feel free to submit multiple images, but always keep in mind that as artists we are only as reputable as our least impactful work!

Best of luck to everyone who enters, and I look forward to more of these in the future!

mountain ridge

Photography as Art coming to Houston 5/23

“Photography as Art” is a groundbreaking new seminar created for individuals who want to spark their imagination and discover how to make artistic statements through photography. The all-day seminar encourages creative professionals to see and make art in exciting new ways. With art history as a reference point, participants explore avenues to maintain inspiration, foster their own personal style, and distinguish their photography from others.

Only a few spaces remain available for the upcoming seminar at the Houston Museum of Natural Science this upcoming Monday, May 23rd. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a new perspective on the way we see and capture photographs!

mountain ridge

New Photos from the Galápagos: Fernandina Island

Thus far on our trip the marine iguanas have managed to steal the show, but never so much as our trip to Fernandina Island, where their masses carpeted the coastline. Some of my favorite shots so far come from these groupings, photographed from a low angle with the landscape in the background. I also managed to juxtapose some of the smaller iconic species of the Galápagos, namely lava lizards and Sally Lightfoot crabs, crawling over the lethargic marine iguanas.

mountain ridge

New Photos from the Galapagos: Santiago & Rabida Island

There were Amazing bird sightings during our time at Santiago and Rabida Islands, including a Vermillion flycatcher and Galapagos hawk. We were also visited by curious Galapagos Penguins and Sea lions. While on board the ship eating lunch, storm petrels danced and fed along the ocean surface with moth like movements.

mountain ridge

New Photos from the Galapagos Islands: Black Turtle Cove

I’ve returned to shoot the Galapagos this week and I’m excited to bring you some new photos from the field. Today is a selection from Black Turtle Cove, in the northern part of the island of Santa Cruz. This location is only accessible by water and contains an incredible amount of wildlife both on land and in the sea. So far this trip has provided better opportunities than expected, and the weather has been fantastic! I will be adding new images from around this amazing place in the days to come.

mountain ridge

Art Wolfe Photography As Art Instagram Contest #1


Introducing the Art Wolfe #PhotographyAsArt Instagram contest! This will be the first of a series contests that will highlight the many elements of design integral to crafting compelling images.

On May 23rd I will be presenting my Photography As Art seminar in Houston, Texas. Among the topics we will discuss is color. Show me your best photo that captures the stunning colors of the world around you! Think about color schemes, contrast, and composition – but most importantly have fun!

One lucky winner will have their selected image resposted to my Facebook and Twitter page, and recognized on my blog at!

Entering is simple:

  1. Follow me on Instagram @artwolfe
  2. Post your personal original photo to your Instagram account using the following hashtags: #ArtWolfe #ExploreCreateInspire #PASHouston
  3. Deadline for entries is midnight PST on May 23rd

Feel free to submit multiple images, but always keep in mind that as artists we are only as reputable as our least impactful work!

Best of luck to everyone who enters, and I look forward to more of these in the future!

mountain ridge