Happy Valentine’s Day from ALL of Us at Art Wolfe Inc.

Be my Valentine – Images by Art Wolfe

mountain ridge

Hippo on Bing.com

Hippo on Bing.com © Art Wolfe

One of Art’s hippo photographs is the new background image on bing.com.

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Photos from Hanoi

NEW! Hanoi, Vietnam – Images by Art Wolfe

These photos are from two extended walks that I lead our group on throughout the city of Hanoi. They are representational of a constant theme that I am teaching my travel companions – how to create intriguing compositions out of everyday life events. In this series of photographs you will see everything from the frantic traffic to the very quiet and peaceful details. Enjoy.


mountain ridge

“Between Heaven and Earth” | Benaroya Hall

Between Heaven and Earth – Images by Art Wolfe

Art will be giving a keynote presentation at the Benaroya Hall on May 27, 2010 at 7:30pm for more information and tickets click here.

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Photos from Bangkok with an iPhone – Part 1

Traveling through downtown Bangkok © Art Wolfe

I walked through downtown Bangkok, with only my iPhone, and these are some of the images that I was able to capture. I am really excited about the creative possibilities of utilizing this new technology in my image making process. Stay tuned for more images tomorrow.

Music on the Street © Art Wolfe
Large shattered window framing a street scene © Art Wolfe
Street Vendor © Art Wolfe
Flowers in the Market © Art Wolfe
mountain ridge

Today at the Art Wolfe Digital Learning Center

Photoshop: Advanced Cloning
Advanced Cloning Techniques 2 minutes ago

Learn how to remove blemished, fix problem areas, and change reality as Jason Hoppe shows us his favorite advanced cloning techniques.

Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010
Time: 11am Pacific (Seattle) [Other Time Zones]
Duration: 90-120 Minutes
Cost: The LIVE class is FREE to attend!
Use these links to join the LIVE class:

1944 1st Ave So
Seattle, WA 98134Photoshop Jan 14

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