Vanish Act – Can You See the Mountain Gorilla?

Mountain Gorilla, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

And last week’s Ram:

Bighorn Ram by Art Wolfe

mountain ridge

Serengeti Highway?

The government of Tanzania is launching an effort to build a highway across the northern reaches of Serengeti National Park—directly across the path of millions of migratory animals. This would be an ecological disaster for the wildlife as seriously undermine Tanzania’s important tourism trade.

For information and links to articles visit them online.

BLOG: Seregeti Highway? – Images by Art Wolfe

mountain ridge

Vanish Act – Can You See the Bighorn?

A bighorn ram rests amidst lichen-covered rocks, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA

And last week’s scorpionfish:

Papuan Scorpionfish by Art Wolfe

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Yellowstone-New Image and Workshops

Yellowstone Burn Area, Yellowstone Lake by Art Wolfe
Yellowstone Burn Area, Yellowstone Lake © Art Wolfe

On Monday Art, Gavriel Jecan, Jay Goodrich, and Rich Reid arrived in Jackson, Wyoming to start scouting locations for our Grand Teton Workshop. They made a quick trip to Yellowstone to visit a burn area from a wildfire that Art filmed last year. The location was stunning. Here is an abstract that Art shot from that visit. Don’t forget our next instructional event will be in San Jose, CA on September 25, 2010. Art will be speaking about the Art of Composition. There are still spaces left and with a $195 entrance fee why wouldn’t you attend?

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Pakistan Needs Our Help

I have travelled in the Pakistan’s mountainous regions which have been hit very hard by the unprecedented flooding.  These trips were among the most fascinating and rewarding of my life—wherever I went, I was warmly greeted and received by the Balti peoples.  Life has always been exceptionally difficult for these people, and their struggle for survival has become that much worse.

It is important that people put their religious & political ideologies aside and do what is right.  We have so much.  Please donate to your favorite charity sending aid to Pakistan.

Unicef’s website

The Red Cross’s website

BLOG: Pakistan Needs Our Help – Images by Art Wolfe

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Vanish Act – Can You See the Scorpionfish?

A Scorpionfish off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

Scorpioin Fish by Art WolfeAnd last week’s blue fox:

Blue fox by Art Wolfe

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William Neill’s New E-Book: YOSEMITE: VOLUME ONE Digital Edition

William Neill's New E-Book: YOSEMITE: VOLUME ONE Digital Edition
William Neill's New E-Book: YOSEMITE: VOLUME ONE Digital Edition

Friend and fellow photographer William Neill has just released a new e-book on Yosemite. The book comes complete with technical info, as well as thoughts from what Bill was thinking when creating the images. You can purchase and download William Neill’s Yosemite Volume One directly from his website.

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The Art of Composition on X-Rite

The Catch by Art Wolfe

X-rite has a blog posting highlighting audio and images from the Spring Art of Composition Lecture Series. Now you can witness first hand some of what he is teaching participants. Because of its popularity Art has decided to add dates in October for 5 additional cities. Visit the Art Wolfe Workshops Website for more information.

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The Seattle Times Features the ICPA Exhibit

Art Wolfe at the Burke Museum
Art Wolfe at the Burke Museum

Nice articles on the ICPA exhibit & Art at the Burke:

This article is about the competition and this article is about Art himself.

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Vanish Act – Can You See the Blue Fox?

A blue fox blends into the volcanic stone of Alaska’s St. Paul Island.

And last week’s sea dragon:

Leafy Seadragon by Art Wolfe

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