This class has become so popular, that we are now extending it for a third session. This is a unique workshop, don’t miss it!

It starts with a Bang! Welcome Reception at Art’s House on May 27th – 6pm to 8pm. Light appetizers & hors d’oeuvres. Then two days with Art fine tuning your vision.

Just listen to participant Carol Ann Morris if you need help making up your mind about this workshop:

I attended Art’s Composing Effective Images workshop in Seattle in January…it was just what I needed. If you’re thinking of doing it, just do it! His enthusiasm and passion for his art is so inspiring; the momentum he creates when he teaches pushes you to new heights. It is SO worth it. Right after the seminar, I signed up for his workshop on the Olympic Peninsula.


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Olympic Peninsula Participants Gallery

We had a fabulous workshop out on the Olympic Peninsula.
My students got some really terrific results, so take a look!

Sol Duc:

Workshop Participant Images: Sol Duc River in Olympic National Park from Art Wolfe on Vimeo.

Art narrates a short piece about the participants of his Olympic National Park Workshop shooting at the Sol Duc River in April of 2011. See the images some of the participants got!

Second Beach:

Workshop Participant Images: Second Beach in Olympic National Park from Art Wolfe on Vimeo.

Art narrates a short piece from the wild west coast about the participants of his Olympic National Park Workshop shooting at Second Beach in April of 2011. See the images some of the participants got!

Gallery Participants:

Russell J. Bennett
Carol Ann Morris
Cornelia Kirkpatrick
Ken Crawford
Dave Turner
Drena Putz
Eric Schaer
Harry Ableman
Mike Walker
Rona Zevin
Rusty Lewis
Tony Kahler
Wes Kirkpatrick
Bill Edwards

Workshop Instructors:

Gavriel Jecan
Jay Goodrich

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Upcoming Workshop Lake Clark, Alaska

Preview of the Lake Clark, Alaska Workshop from Art Wolfe on Vimeo.

Art Wolfe and Jay Goodrich are leading a workshop to Lake Clark, Alaska this summer. Here is a slideshow of images Art has shot in the area, with Art narrating on why he loves to photograph there.

The workshop accommodations will be at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge. They are in their 24th year under the same ownership.

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Montreal Welcomes Art Wolfe May 22

BLOG: Between Heaven and Earth – Images by Art Wolfe

Photographe de renommée internationale et animateur de série télévisée, Art Wolfe sera à Montréal le 22 mai prochain pour présenter la conférence multimédia « Between Heaven and Earth ».

Organisée conjointement par Studio4Fun et les magazines Photo Life et Photo Solution, cette conférence sera présentée pour la première fois en sol québécois. Sa formule intime permettra aux spectateurs de vivre une expérience inégalée auprès de cette superstar de la photographie de nature!

Avec « Between Heaven and Earth », l’artiste présente le fruit de son aventure dans la région de l’Himalaya qui abrite les plus hautes montagnes du monde, une région littéralement entre ciel et terre. Cette série d’images constitue le travail le plus personnel que le photographe ait réalisé jusqu’à maintenant. La présentation retrace les années de formation de Wolfe et son développement en tant qu’artiste. Elle explore les régions himalayennes de l’Inde, de la Chine, du Népal et du Bhutan; autant de lieux qui ont stimulé l’imaginaire et l’émerveillement du photographe et l’ont conduit à documenter la nature sauvage de façon créative et sensible.

Une période d’échange avec le public suivra la présentation; une occasion unique d’en apprendre plus sur ce grand maître de la photographie de nature.

Les places sont limitées! Réservez la vôtre maintenant!
La conférence est présentée en anglais.
English Translation available at this site.

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PODAS Palouse Workshop Just Announced!


In conjunction with Phase One Digital Artists Series (PODAS), Michael Reichmann and I will be leading a much-anticipated workshop to Washington’s Palouse region this summer. The Palouse is a remarkable agricultural area in eastern Washington, and one of my favorites places to photograph in my home state. The landscapes are varied, full of sagelands, wheatfields, empty roads, and deep horizons.

This is a rare opportunity as this is the only field workshop that Michael will be doing this year. And since it is a PODAS workshop, each participant will be provided with a IQ160 60 Megapixel back, a Phase One DF camera body, and a 75– 150mm lens. Other lenses from 28mm – 300mm will be available to participants as well.

You can learn more about the workshop and PODAS here:


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Olympic Workshop Day 1

BLOG: Olympic Workshop April 2011 Day 1 – Images by Art Wolfe

Yesterday I arrived on the Olympic Peninsula to prepare for my workshop this weekend. Jay Goodrich, Gavriel Jecan, and I headed up to the top of Hurricane Ridge on a scouting mission to see if this would be a good location to bring students to in the coming days. I did find some remarkable subjects, but also found the deepest snowpack that I have ever seen in my 40 years of photographing in this region. There was a ton of rockfall, huge avalanche run-outs, and below freezing temperatures as we approached closer and closer to the summit. I decided that this wouldn’t be the greatest location to bring a group of 25, but was rewarded with a great photo session of a raven.

Today we will be heading to the Sol Duc and then tomorrow to the Hoh Rain Forest and the coast for sunset. More coming soon.

What a great way to celebrate Earth Day 2011!

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Happy Earth Day 2011! – Images by Art Wolfe

Every day is Earth Day!

Here are a few suggestions of ways to celebrate all year:

  • Plant a tree
  • Go for a hike
  • Compost and Recycle even more and reduce trash output
  • Take children out to experience nature
  • Develop a global green economy inclusive of women
  • Celebrate environmental artists
  • Volunteer to improve trails and parks and waterways
  • Take your footprint test (very sobering) and pledge your “Act of Green” visit

Earth Day 2011

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ATLANTA!Art Wolfe is Coming!

Art Wolfe is bringing his “Art of Composition” to Atlanta on May 15.

Do you need a shot in the arm? How about inspiration to see differently and more expansively? This one-day seminar in Atlanta on May 15, 2011 will be held at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Art brings his unique style and experience to this not-to-be-missed program.

>>Visit our Website for more Info

>>Atlanta Flyer

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Art of CompositionComing to Baltimore

Art is bringing his popular one-day seminar THE ART OF COMPOSITION to Baltimore.  This program has been received with enthusiastic applause from everyone that attends. Here are some testimonials >>READ. We look forward to seeing you there!

May 14, 2011, 10am-4pm @ University of Baltimore

>>Visit our Website for more Info

>>Baltimore Flyer

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PhotoLife MagazineFeaturing Art Wolfe

PhotoLife Cover April-May 2011

If you live in Canada get your copy of Photo Life magazine.
Art is the featured profile for the April/May issue and he discusses the making of his most recent print series “Unbridled”

UNBRIDLED Exhibit at the Art Wolfe Gallery – Images by Art Wolfe

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