Celebrity Cruises Launch “Smartsnaps” Photography Contest

Even Art has fun with his iPhone from time to time.  Now you can win a cruise on Celebrity if your smartphone image is selected by an elite judging panel, which includes Art!

Here’s how:


Deadline November 15; only open to UK & Ireland residents.

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TEDx Rainier Talk

I will be presenting “An Integrated Life” at TEDxRainier this weekend.

TEDxRainier will be held Saturday, Nov 9, 2013 10AM-6PM at the historic 5th Avenue Theatre located in downtown Seattle.  TEDxRainier is an independently produced, one-day TED event, featuring a range of dynamic local speakers addressing important issues that affect our communities and the way we shape our world. The theme for this weekend’s event is ReThink.


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The New Art of Photographing Nature Promo in Shutterbug

The November issue of Shutterbug has an excerpt of my book The New Art of Photographing Nature. Check it out!

Purchase a copy of the book HERE.

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Iceland (Vol. 2) Horses, Ice Caves and The Aurora!

Iceland horses, ice caves, and the aurora – Images by Art Wolfe

With the news of the storms sweeping across the North Atlantic I was very concerned about our chances to see the northern lights. We were lucky to get a break in the weather this week. We really only had one viable opportunity for the Northern Lights, two nights ago the clouds unexpectedly cleared after rain and clouds all day. My best image is a fairly rare shot that shows the Milky Way with the red and green lights, shot at 1 am.

As an unexpected bonus we were guided by two mountaineers up onto a glacier for a 3 hour trek to an ice cave. Using ropes, crampons and ice axes, we followed a small river down under the edge of the glacier on hands and knees until we came to large opening that provided the only light. We were over 100 feet below the ice surface which was covered in ash and it was nearly pitch black. I was cold ,wet and struggling with helmet straps that prevented me from effectively using my glasses. All in the name of “art.”

All in all, an excellent trip; the weather held until we were done shooting and now it is snowing; it’s a good thing all those adorable Icelandic horses have grown their shaggy winter coats!

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

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Masters of Nature Photography Dates Announced!

I’m excited to announce that the next Masters of Nature Photography seminar with Tom Mangelsen, Frans Lanting and me will take place February 14th to 16th at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia.

We will draw from our wide-ranging experience with subjects and locations around the world to inspire attendees, show them new ways to see, give them tools to create more compelling images, and empower them to use photography to benefit conservation causes and other personal interests.  Our presentations will be mixed with panel discussions, Q & A sessions, and reviews of images submitted by attendees.

For more info or to register, please visit mastersofnaturephotography.com

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On Location: Iceland (Vol. 1)

Iceland October 2013 #1 – Images by Art Wolfe

We are having a great trip in Iceland. I brought this group here for the northern lights, but since it has been cloudy we have been enjoying the spectacular landscape and, of course, the ubiquitous horses. It should be clearing up tomorrow and there has been great solar flare activity, which bodes well for seeing the aurora.

Can’t see the slideshow? Click HERE

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Josephine Herrick Project Benefit

The Josephine Herrick Project is a nonprofit that enlists photographic community volunteers to educate students who have not had the opportunity to learn the communicative power of photography. Through partnerships with local organizations, JHProject’s completely free programs inspire children, teens, adults and seniors with the visual language of photography, enhancing their abilities to transform communities through artistic vision.

Josephine Herrick Project cordially invites you to attend the

Entertainment · Cocktails · Hors d’oeuvres
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New Workshop! Photography Assignment & Assessment February 1-2, 2014

Due to popular demand Art has decided to schedule a follow up course to his popular “Composing Effective Images: Field Edition”. This is an amazing opportunity for you to get expert review on your artwork. It is not every day that you get a chance to have a master of the trade provide you with an intricate critique of your work.

What: Photography Assignment & Assessment with Art Wolfe
When:  February 1-2, 2014 with an evening reception January 31.
Where: University of Washington Arboretum
Graham Visitors Center

Sign up now & get a special early bird rate ($45 off) by using coupon code EBIRD2014.

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Official Grand Opening of the Rotella Gallery in Soho

See prints from the HUMAN CANVAS now available at the Rotella Gallery.

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Rotella Gallery is Open in SOHO

I’m very excited to announce that the Rotella Gallery has opened a second location in New York. Check out their full page ad in the New York Times today!

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