New Compelling Image Contest on Shutterlove

Fishermen on Inle Lake, MyanmarShow others what you find remarkable in the world & win fabulous prizes for it!


A DSLR camera
$250 prepaid Amazon gift-card card
A $100 B&H gift card
A signed Art Wolfe photography book
A Photo Group Membership Package (worth $125)
Prominent placement in the winners gallery

For more info or to enter click HERE

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Hurry to Tampa!

Get off your manatee and come to Tampa to see Art present his Art of Composition Seminar this weekend.

Drawing from 36 years of international travel, Art will delve into a vast range of subjects; from discovering the subject to elements of design and even new works. Imagery of nature, wildlife and the world’s varied landscapes will round out the curriculum to provide the most comprehensive and imaginative class available.

John Shaw says:
Experiencing an Art Wolfe lecture is a journey into the mind of a master photographer. Art takes you along as he finds striking graphics hidden within the chaos of our surroundings. I highly recommend attending.

When: March 16th, 2014
Where: Tampa Convention Center

To get more info or to register, click HERE


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Quest for the Snow Leopard Part 3

I can say without reservation that this trip to Ladakh’s Hemis National Park was a great return to the Himalayas. I found the snow leopards extraordinarily difficult to photograph at close range. And yet with time and serendipity it is quite possible a snow leopard could walk directly through camp. Unfortunately, we experienced neither. We literally worked our butts off. I lost about 7 pounds in a week, hiking the trails every day at elevations between 12 and 14,000 feet. The dance ceremony was at the Likir Monastery, near Leh. Held annually, it commemorates the “letting go” of the previous year’s hardships. While at times disappointing, on a whole, the trip was fascinating and ultimately rewarding.

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Quest for the Snow Leopard Part 2

So begins our trek to Husing, which, purportedly, is one of the better areas to spot the elusive snow leopard as they move to lower altitudes to follow their prey, such as the bharal (blue sheep).

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World Wildlife Day

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) decided to proclaim March 3, the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as World Wildlife Day, to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora.

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Quest for the Snow Leopard Part 1

Nestled in the Indian Himalayas Ladakh is one of the best areas to see the elusive snow leopard. I am also getting to know more about the people who live here, and taking in the spectacular scenery and other wildlife.
The first couple days we spent in Leh getting acclimatized to the high altitude before heading out on our snow leopard expedition. The city and the surrounding valley and mountains are home to many imposing palaces and monasteries.

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Travels ToThe Edge U.S. Cities Airing List March 2014


White_TTE_logo_web500pxArt Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge continues to be aired on public television stations across the USA. There are more stations than ever in the Southeast and the Midwest carrying the series! Enjoy!

See the list HERE

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Learn How to See from a Photography Hero

Rainforest tree, Puerto Rico
At the last minute Art has scheduled a field edition of his Composing Effective Images Seminar!  He has held these popular seminars at Seattle’s Washington Arboretum and Portland’s famous Japanese Garden; now it is time to head south to warmer climes!

Don’t miss this opportunity to study in the field with and get a critique from an amazing photographer and teacher.

Where:  Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanical Garden
When:  March 22-23, 2014
How: Click HERE!


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100 Photography Heroes

humancanvas_pigment_study_063Art has been included in the special issue from Professional Photography (UK) “100 Photography Heroes”

See the page on Art HERE.

Get the special issue HERE.

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Compelling Image Contest winners

Master of Disquise by Graham McGeorgeCongratulations to Grand Prize winner Graham McGeorge!

To see a gallery of all winners, click HERE

Information on the next chapter in the contest “Travels to the Edge” coming soon!

Show others what you find remarkable in the world and make them feel something about the subject.”
~Art Wolfe


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