National Park Week

US National Parks Week – Images by Art Wolfe

Now through April 29, 2012 all 397 US National Parks offer free admission!
Get out there!

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University of Washington Alumni Feature


There is a very nice spread in the University of Washington Alumni Magazine “COLUMNS” this month. The University is celebrating 2012 as their 150th Anniversary and featuring noteworthy Alumni.
Art Wolfe graduated in 1975. This spread also celebrates the beautiful and unique natural environment of the UW campus as only Art can see it.

>>VIEW – Columns Magazine Here

>>GALLERY – View even more images Art has taken on the UW campus

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Landschaft Zwischen Himmel und Erde


Überwältigend schöne Bilder

vom Meister der Naturfotografie

Publisher Frederking & Thaler is reissuing the award-winning German edition Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky in Europe!

Bergspitzen, die wie glühendes Eisen in der Sonne leuchten, Kaskaden von Licht über brechenden Pazifikwellen, das berauschende Farbspiel herbstlicher Wälder und die glasklare Schönheit eisbedeckter Granitberge. Wolfes Bilder sind sensationell, atemberaubend und immer wieder faszinierend. In Landschaften zwischen Himmel und Erde porträtiert er Natur rund um den Globus und schafft ein Werk, das uns Seite für Seite ins Staunen versetzt.

240 Seiten, ca. 300 Abbildungen, Format 24,5 x 30,5 cm, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag

Available from

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Hard on the heels of REGARD SAUVAGE and ANIMAL ART comes WERELD NATUUR, Art’s first book translated into Dutch!

World Wildlife Fund of the Netherlands is now offering WERELD NATUUR as a donation premium, in celebration of their 50 year anniversary of saving wildlife around the world.  Take a look inside the book and pledge your support today!

“Geef 44,95 euro of meer en ontvang dit boek Wereld natuur

Grandioze, kunstzinnige foto’s van een adembenemende schoonheid: Art Wolfe, onbetwist een van de beste natuurfotografen ter wereld, presenteert in ‘Wereldnatuur’ de 160 mooiste opnamen uit zijn carrière. Hij volgt het spoor van zijn reizen over alle continenten en biedt ons een blik op de mens achter de camera, op zijn ervaringen en op het leven in de wildernis. Een bijzondere ontmoeting met het dierenleven op aarde, in fantastische beelden vastgelegd. “

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Snowy Owls

BLOG: Snowy Owls January 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe

We had a few days of fairly clear weather in the Pacific Northwest, so I decided to head back up to Canada to photograph snowy owls. The light did not disappoint & I was able to get much better shots than I got in December. This large gathering of migrating Snowy Owls happens about every ten years.

Wood Ducks and Sand Hill Cranes are year-round residents of the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in British Columbia. They can’t help but get my attention when I visit.

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On Location: Tanzania II

BLOG: Tanzania #2 January 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe

The Serengeti was great for the first day but then pretty quiet for two days. As you can see, I’m experimenting with color renditions.

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Philip Hyde: Messages from the Wilderness

Philip Hyde from Lumière on Vimeo.

Philip Hyde has shown what can be done via photography to shed light and awareness on our precious natural resources.
Celebrate his life and look for his show now on view at the Lumiere Gallery in Atlanta. Watch the video to get a glimpse of his message.

I regularly support conservation and environmental awareness issues through the medium of photography. We all need to get the word or image out to the public in order to influence change and/or preservation. This is the right kind of propaganda.

>>CLICK HERE to get more information about the show.

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ILCP August Newsletter

Keeping you up-to-date on the world of conservation photography.

I was just in Alaska photographing the great bears.  The work of protecting these magnificent creatures is very important.

>>ILCP August Newsletter

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Lake Clark, AK Favorites

BLOG: Art’s Favorites from Lake Clark July 2011 – Images by Art Wolfe

I just got back from Alaska leading a workshop in Lake Clark National. I promised bears & we got bears! We stayed at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge and had a terrific three days of photography.

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ILCP July Newsletter

ILCP July Newsletter

Be a photographer on the ground (or in this case a tripod in the sky).

Read the newsletter and see how photography can make a difference.

iLCP July Newsletter

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