Patagonia Photo Tour, May 2013 Participants Gallery

-Arjen Sundman

-Bob Johnson

-Victoria Braden


“I have been extremely fortunate to travel and learn from Art on several occasions. Every opportunity that I’ve had to listen to him I’ve learned new things, even as recently as the Patagonia workshop. Art has transformed how I perceive a photograph. He’s worked with me in the field to get it in the camera, and has shown me stronger ways to create a compelling image in the critiques. The series of lectures that Art presents always deliver strong compositional tools which can be applied while out photographing as well as in the editing process. Art is a great teacher. He is generous with his knowledge, engaging in getting you to see creatively, and provides positive and enthusiastic feedback.”

mountain ridge

Landschaft Zwischen Himmel und Erde


Überwältigend schöne Bilder

vom Meister der Naturfotografie

Publisher Frederking & Thaler is reissuing the award-winning German edition Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky in Europe!

Bergspitzen, die wie glühendes Eisen in der Sonne leuchten, Kaskaden von Licht über brechenden Pazifikwellen, das berauschende Farbspiel herbstlicher Wälder und die glasklare Schönheit eisbedeckter Granitberge. Wolfes Bilder sind sensationell, atemberaubend und immer wieder faszinierend. In Landschaften zwischen Himmel und Erde porträtiert er Natur rund um den Globus und schafft ein Werk, das uns Seite für Seite ins Staunen versetzt.

240 Seiten, ca. 300 Abbildungen, Format 24,5 x 30,5 cm, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag

Available from

mountain ridge

Just released on Blu-ray Disc!

Nearly 300 of Art’s most amazing landscape images are showcased in this high-definition Digital Art Show™, accompanied by beautiful music from renowned new age musician Scott Cossu.

The images are displayed in a continual slide show showcasing the stunning beauty of distinct environmental landscapes & regions of the world. From the Great Bahamas Bank to the icebound Arctic, you’ll witness the sheer wonder and drama of our earth captured in these amazing< photographs. Use this DVD as the perfect backdrop for entertaining or creating a relaxing environment in your home or office.

mountain ridge