Between Heaven and Earth is Art Wolfe’s favorite presentation to give. Watch this introduction to see a selection of the images he includes and hear why he loves to give this presentation.
Art will be presenting this full presentation in Vancouver, BC on August 6.
Last weekend I was in Montreal to give my presentation of “Between Heaven and Earth” for Photo Life magazine. It’s a beautiful city and I spent a few moments relaxing and photographing families and kids playing in the fountains of Place des Festivals.
Vancouver, BC is host to two great opportunities to be with Art Wolfe the first weekend in August.
First, come hear and see Art’s presentation, Between Heaven And Earth. This is on Friday, August 6, 7:00pm at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver. This should get your creative juices flowing, as you are sure to want to sign up for the workshop the following day. >>REGISTER HERE for the Lecture
Second, is his Art of Composition seminar in the Vancouver, held at Simon Fraser University. Experience the unexpected at this weekend’s workshop. This is a one day lecture on Saturday, August 7th. >>REGISTER HERE for the Workshop
NOTE: Use This DISCOUNT CODE (VANBUNDLE11) at checkout and receive an additional 10% off when you sign up for both events.
Proceeds from “Between Heaven and Earth” support:
Listen to what people are saying about Art’s seminars and workshops:
I have pursued photography for over 51 years and finally feel someone has shared insights into composition and the mental portion of photography that have eluded me for these many years. My camera has not left my hand since I awoke at our mountain cabin this morning. I am as energized as I was when I received my first camera and loaded my first roll of 620 film.
I cannot thank Art enough for sharing that cloudy day in Atlanta.
~Bob Goodyear
Although Wolfe is known mainly for his landscape, nature and wildlife photography, this workshop was about the Art of Composition, and applies to virtually all photographic subjects.
Without hesitation it was the best photography workshop I have ever attended. By best I mean he combines the finest qualities of artist, photographer and teacher (including the ability to entertain), which is a rare combination today.
~Laurie Naiman
Photographe de renommée internationale et animateur de série télévisée, Art Wolfe sera à Montréal le 22 mai prochain pour présenter la conférence multimédia « Between Heaven and Earth ».
Organisée conjointement par Studio4Fun et les magazines Photo Life et Photo Solution, cette conférence sera présentée pour la première fois en sol québécois. Sa formule intime permettra aux spectateurs de vivre une expérience inégalée auprès de cette superstar de la photographie de nature!
Avec « Between Heaven and Earth », l’artiste présente le fruit de son aventure dans la région de l’Himalaya qui abrite les plus hautes montagnes du monde, une région littéralement entre ciel et terre. Cette série d’images constitue le travail le plus personnel que le photographe ait réalisé jusqu’à maintenant. La présentation retrace les années de formation de Wolfe et son développement en tant qu’artiste. Elle explore les régions himalayennes de l’Inde, de la Chine, du Népal et du Bhutan; autant de lieux qui ont stimulé l’imaginaire et l’émerveillement du photographe et l’ont conduit à documenter la nature sauvage de façon créative et sensible.
Une période d’échange avec le public suivra la présentation; une occasion unique d’en apprendre plus sur ce grand maître de la photographie de nature.
Les places sont limitées! Réservez la vôtre maintenant!
La conférence est présentée en anglais.
On May 27, 2010, Art presented his multimedia show “Between Heaven and Earth” at Seattle’s Benaroya Hall. This show would not have been possible without wonderful fan support and generous sponsorship by Donovan’s Kenmore Camera ( and Canon USA ( Even Tom Skerritt showed up to kindly introduce Art.
Wondering what the giant sea lion nose is on the screen behind the presenters? The International Conservation Photography Awards exhibit will be at Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture ( June 19-September 6, 2010. Art will be giving two talks on opening day, June 19. For more information: