First Quarter 2016 Images
Take a virtual trip today and check out a selection my new imagery taken between January 1st and March 31st. Locations include Antarctica, India, Laos, California, Washington State, Florida, and Cuba.

Take a virtual trip today and check out a selection my new imagery taken between January 1st and March 31st. Locations include Antarctica, India, Laos, California, Washington State, Florida, and Cuba.
In April I will be releasing my 99th published work, Migrations: Wildlife in Motion. Inspired by the imaginative spatial designs of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, I traveled the globe in search of similar patterns in nature. The result is a book of remarkable wildlife images that captures both the beauty and the poignancy of animals on the move. Migrations: Wildlife in Motion (Earth Aware Editions, April 6, 2016, $35 hardcover) draws the reader into the energy, motion, and enduring spirit of life on the planet. The stunning images capture the delicate balance of our ecosystem, conveying the primordial stirrings that prompt a flock of snow geese to head south, monarch butterflies to bejewel a forest, or a colony of Indiana bats to snuggle in tight hibernation.
I am very excited about this release and loved working once again with Earth Aware/Insight Editions – their printing is always top quality.
The new book will be available for purchase and signing at this event, and is also available for pre-order on our online store. I hope to see you there!
What: I will be signing books and giving a short presentation about Migrations
Where: University Bookstore
4326 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
When: Monday, March 21 at 7pm
Read incredible stories of near misses from photographers Mike Arzt, Don Smith, and Paul Moon, as well as an account by yours truly of a run-in with an Indian Rhinoceros while working on The Living Wild.
Reflections often offer perfectly symmetrical compositions. Shot on Location in the Pantanal, Brazil.
Want more composition tips? I am offering several more composition tips through my Photography as Art seminars this year throughout the U.S.
In April I will be releasing my 99th published work, Migrations: Wildlife in Motion. Inspired by the imaginative spatial designs of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, I traveled the globe in search of similar patterns in nature. The result is a book of remarkable wildlife images that captures both the beauty and the poignancy of animals on the move. Migrations: Wildlife in Motion (Earth Aware Editions, April 6, 2016, $35 hardcover) draws the reader into the energy, motion, and enduring spirit of life on the planet. The stunning images capture the delicate balance of our ecosystem, conveying the primordial stirrings that prompt a flock of snow geese to head south, monarch butterflies to bejewel a forest, or a colony of Indiana bats to snuggle in tight hibernation.
Kenya, Japan, South George Island, Trinidad, the Canadian Arctic, and the Ozarks are among the locations that create the backdrop for dramatic artistry showcasing “classic migrators,” the beauty of their trek, the splendor of the patterns they create, and the cycles they are compelled to repeat.
I am very excited about this release and loved working again with Earth Aware/Insight Editions– their printing is always top quality.
Book Launch Event! I will be signing books and giving a short presentation about Migrations.
When: 7pm, Monday, March 21st
Where: University Bookstore
4326 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
After the crush of the Kumbh in Haridwar, the nature and solitude of Ranthambore National Park was a welcome change. With an area of 400 sq. km encompassing rocky hill crests which descend to open valleys between the Aravalli and Vindhya ranges, dotted with water pools and fruit trees, this park gets its name from the thousand year old fortress, which looms above the forest. Well known for the diurnal activity of tigers, Ranthambore is a very special and unusual area where a natural present meets a historical past.
In the Chinese Zodiac it’s the year of the monkey. And if you were born in 1956 you are a fire monkey—ambitious and adventurous, but irritable. So all you smart & naughty monkeys out there, take care to make 2016 a lucky year!
The 2016 Art Wolfe Next-Generation Photographers Grant is now taking applicants from professional nature photographers in the early stages of their careers. Recipients will be selected on the basis of skill, artistic excellence and by demonstrating the promise of future achievement.
From July 31 to August 6, 2016, seven successful applicants will attend a six-day workshop at a remote Lodge in Katmai, Alaska, photographing the spectacular wildlife and rugged landscape.
Sponsored by The Luminous Endowment for Photographers and Art Wolfe, Inc., and made possible with the generous support of Rebecca Jones and the Seneca Sawmill Co.
Enter here, Entry deadline: March 31, 2016
I usually shoot with a 16-35mm or a 70-200mm. However, when I know I am going to be getting a chance to photograph wildlife, like Brown Bears in Katmai, I bring along something longer. Shot on location in Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA.
Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement on an exciting Katmai event coming soon!
In May Art is teaming up with Frans Lanting and Tom Mangelson on the Galapagos trip of a lifetime. These trips have been sold out for months, but now several berths have come available.
Galapagos I, May 6-14, 2016
Three berths available
Galapagos II, May 13-21, 2016
Six berths available
Phone: 1-202-558-9596 | Email:
Do not delay in signing up as these last few spaces will fill quickly!