2015 First Quarter Photos

From Tanzania to Japan, Art has been there this year: geysers in Yellowstone, sea turtle hatchlings on Mnemba Island, voracious seals in Antarctica, exuberant revelers at Holi, and floating Shinto shrines in Japan.

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Earth Is My Witness a finalist in the IBPA Benjamin Franklin awards!

Earth Is My Witness Photography by Art Wolfe Introduction by Wade Davis Hardcover | 11x14 inches | 356 pages Preorder special: http://store.artwolfe.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=525We would like to congratulate Insight Editions on having seven titles selected as finalists in the prestigious IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards.

Earth Is My Witness is a finalist in the Nature & Environment category.

Winners will be announced April 10.

Check out the press release, or see all the nominees here.

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Pretty in Pink: Springtime in Japan

This group of photos represents a lot of 4:40am wake-ups in Japan in order to get the best atmospheric conditions as well as to avoid the tourists. Lots of foul weather as of late, which played nicely into our shoots. I especially like the Lotus stems!

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Art Wolfe, Inc. Is Moving to Online Sales Only

Just in case anyone thought so- this is not an April Fools post!

Beaver towing willow branch, Alaska

2015 is going to be a big year for me. I will continue to travel often (check out when you can join me on my events page), the Tales By Light show premieres in Australia this May, and I am moving my office to West Seattle. Art Wolfe, Inc. is moving to online sales only. This will allow me to concentrate my small staff on more exciting new projects.

Monks carry a thangka for the Tibetan New Year, Labrang Monastery, Gansu Province, China

The Art Wolfe Gallery will be open for one more month in Pioneer Square. Thereafter all sales will be online at artwolfe.com and through the Rotella Gallery.

We are having a moving sale! Items include office and display fixtures and product, including black leather sofa with ottoman, dining room table, desks, chairs, reception desk, storage bench seating, large screen televisions, lighting, etc. Don’t miss the sale – doors open at 9am on Friday, April 3rd and will continue with normal gallery operating hours until April 18th.

Donkeys transport heavy woollen carpets to a market deep within the maze of narrow passageways and courtyards that comprise the center of the ancient city of Fès.  The elaborate designs vary from one country to another throughout North Africa and the Middle East.

New Mailing Address:

Art Wolfe, Inc.
6523 California Avenue SW, PMB #343
Seattle, WA 98136
Tel. 206.332.0993

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Meisterhaft getarnt: Von der Kunst nicht gesehen zu werden

kunstTäuschung und Tarnung werden häufig eingesetzt, wenn es darum geht, als Spezies zu überleben, und oft besteht die Überlebenstaktik darin, sich einfach unsichtbar zu machen. Art Wolfe, einer der bedeutendsten Naturfotografen unserer Zeit, fotografierte über mehrere Jahrzehnte hinweg Tiere auf der ganzen Welt, die die Kunst der Tarnung perfekt beherrschen. Ein Gepard verschwindet im hohen Gras, ein Rotfuchs löst sich im herbstlichen Wald scheinbar auf, und was wie eine zarte Orchidee aussieht, entpuppt sich als räuberische Fangschrecke. In magischen Suchbildern für große und kleine Entdecker hat Art Wolfe diese Meister der Tarnung eingefangen.


And for those of you, who don’t read German (like me), Knesebeck Verlag is publishing an updated version of Vanishing Act, originally published in 2005.  Now with more photos, captions, and a new design!

See more of the layout HERE.

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Crossing the Antarctic Circle: Photography Workshop – January 2016

Start next year on a high note!

It is exhilarating – the first moment you step off the ship. Suddenly there is nothing between you and Antarctica. Hundreds of miles of land, snow and ice. You get a sense of how early explorers must have felt stepping off into this vast wilderness – the thrill of the unknown: the adrenaline rush of true exploration, adventure and awesome photography.

It is one thing to visit a place but it is another to immerse yourself in it. To not just see the sights but to understand the history, get to know the wildlife and come home with many iconic photos and unforgettable memories.

I am leading this photographic workshop, which offers you the most in-depth exploration and photography of the Antarctic mainland. Extended time in the region allows you to go beyond the Antarctic Peninsula and venture south of the Antarctic Circle, home to fantastic ice formations and wildlife including the Weddell seal.

You’ll enjoy more time communing with penguins and visits to less-frequented landing sites.

  • Be one of the few to venture to 66 degrees 33.7 minutes South
  • Visit historic research stations in Marguerite Bay
  • Witness the abundant Antarctic wildlife, including penguins, seals, whales and more
  • Experience the Western Peninsula highlights and visit iconic landing sites
  • Learn about Antarctica’s geology and wildlife from onboard lecturers and specialists

In collaboration with Quark Expeditions, the photography workshop on this expedition is organized by Iconic Images International, Australia, C4 Images & Safaris, South Africa and Art Wolfe, USA.

Antarctica Expedition: December 31, 2015-January 13, 2016

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Por El Planeta photo competition deadline March 27!

porelplanetaThere are five more days to enter your photos to the Por El Planeta Photo Competition, with a grand prize of $100,000 to be put toward a conservation photo project.

Por el Planeta is not just a photography contest, it’s a movement seeking to transform our relationship with the planet and its wildlife. The competition was born out of a desire to reaffirm narrative photography as a powerful tool that encourages nature conservation and generates an appreciation for biodiversity.

“We believe photography is more than just light, beautiful pictures or perfect proportions,” said award-winning photographer Cristina Mittermeier, director of Por el Planeta. “It is also a vehicle for real change.”

Por el Planeta will award more resources than any other photography contest to recognize the dedication, skill and talent of photographers who strive to create images that infuse society with an understanding of and care for our shared natural heritage. At the same time, Por el Planeta wishes to encourage the development of new photography and conservation projects, mobilize audiences and raise awareness of the daily threats faced by our biodiversity.

•    Por el Planeta is a Wildlife, Nature and Conservation Photo Competition organized by  Televisa, the Mexican government and National Geographic as a mission partner.
•    Por el Planeta will allocate over $300,000 US in prize money for the winners.
•    All profits will be donated to conservation initiatives.
•    Submissions close date: March 27, 2015

For more information and to enter, visit porelplanetaphoto.com

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India: Jawai and Jodhpur March 2015

Most recent photos from Art in Rajasthan!

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Tales By Light Premiering May 24th!


Last year I traveled extensively with cinematographer Abraham Joffe and the Untitled Films Works crew, filming in East Africa, Papua New Guinea, Alaska and here in Seattle. This work has come to fruition in “Tales By Light” produced by Canon Australia and National Geographic Channel.

I am a featured photographer along with Darren Jew, Richard I’Anson, Peter Eastway and Krystle Wright.

The series premiers May 24th in Australia on National Geographic Channel. (See the media release for more information.)

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Varanasi, Bandhavgarh, and Mumbai

Sacred cows, sarus cranes, the Ganga Aarti, tigers, monkeys, and chitals–India is always colorful and alive.

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