This Father’s Day, Give the Gift of Inspiration

© Yuri Choufour

Thousands have been touched by Art Wolfe’s presentations and workshops.

This Father’s Day consider giving Dad a jolt of inspiration and an experience he will never forget, whether it’s a one day seminar or a two week expedition at the ends of the earth. Art offers photographic learning at all levels of expertise and energy.

Find more information on our events site.


“I attended your lecture in Chicago…and want you to know that it was one of the most coherent, well organized, and inspiring talks I have ever heard. I am a physician in an academic medical center and lecture often. I try to inspire and add humor to my talks. You achieved these goals in a masterful way. You made learning seem effortless. In addition, your work is absolutely stunning and I would venture to say that you are a contemporary master of the medium.”—David E.


“I attended his lecture on The Art of Composition at the Colorado History Museum last year and I thought it was one of the best presentations I have ever attended. My original expectation was that it would be a technical discussion of how Art captures those magical photographs. It was much, much better than that, a thoughtful discussion of what it means to be an artist who happens to use a camera as his medium for expressing his views about nature and the world we live in.”—Richard N.

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Inspiration: Photos for June

All these photos were taken in Junes over the last eleven years. June is the season of the summer solstice, bright with the longest days of the year. It is an excellent time to travel to the Arctic—or just about anywhere for that matter!

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Technique Episode #3: Creating Graphic Images

When lining up a background for a subject, make sure to give it a clean background to create a more graphic image. In this example I am trying to shoot a Chinstrap penguin in Antarctica where the snowy backdrop isn’t working to make the white belly of my subject pop.

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Bare Essentials: Master of Photography Collectors Edition

Read my interview in the latest edition of Bare Essentials

bare essentialsThe tools may change, but the skill of a master storyteller is timeless.

Technology has changed our communications in unimagined ways—allowing us to capture a story as it unfolds, using innovations of creative wizardry, portable, affordable, advanced in every measure. And the ubiquitous nature of our digital era means anyone, anywhere can be a storyteller. But, there is more to this ancient craft than simply point-and-shoot. To evoke sentiment, inspire change, and unveil hidden truths about a subject, one must master certain skills.

In this two-part collectors edition, some of the world’s most iconic ‘Masters of Photography’ share their secrets and explore the skills that define a truly exceptional storyteller. Lessons that span a lifetime contribute rare and timeless insights on how to impact change, express emotions and compel empathy through the lens. Life has many facets and each demanding a different approach. Our experts advise on all genres of photography, be your passion adventure, wildlife, or culture, there is something here for everyone.

The thread that connects us to this wide and wild world of ours, is strengthened through discovery and a growing knowledge of the workings of nature. I invite you on a journey of discovery spanning the globe with masterful storytellers and their stunning images of life on earth. I hope it inspires you to BE curious and never stop exploring!

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Denver Doings

Dallas Divde in the autumn, Colorado

I will be presenting Earth Is My Witness at the Gates Planetarium at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) on Friday, June 5th.

On the following day I will be giving my Art of Composition Seminar at the DMNS Ricketson Auditorium.

Consider these for a Father’s Day gift or a graduation present!

“Without hesitation it was the best photography workshop I have ever attended. By best I mean he combines the finest qualities of artist, photographer and teacher (including the ability to entertain), which is a rare combination today.” —Laurie N.

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Yes on Initiative 1401: Save Animals Facing Extinction

Illegal poaching and wildlife trafficking is the fourth largest transnational crime behind weapon, drug, and human trafficking, and funds other types of violence and criminal organizations across the globe. Passing I-1401 will help reduce that violence. In addition, many of the animals protected by I-1401 are killed for medicinal use despite no real evidence of the efficacy of these expensive treatments.

While New York and New Jersey have passed laws to protect elephants and rhinos, I-1401 will prohibit and strengthen the penalties for the sale, purchase and distribution of products made from a list of 10 endangered animals: elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, marine turtles, pangolins, sharks and rays. Despite widespread public opposition to these practices, powerful special interest groups continue to lobby state legislatures and Congress to oppose common sense laws that would protect iconic species slipping toward extinction.

I-1401 would ban the sale or purchase of products made from endangered and exploited animals, including elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, pangolins, marine turtles, sharks and rays. It will be the first statewide ballot measure to help protect iconic species on the verge of being slaughtered into extinction. Passing it will set a national, and perhaps even international, precedent.

But first, at least 325,000 signatures must be collected by July to make the November ballot, in addition to building a robust, statewide campaign.

Join philanthropist Paul G. Allen, the Woodland Park Zoo, the Seattle Aquarium, the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, in getting this bill passed this November.

Full text of the initiative here.

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New Earth Is My Witness Events, Web Page & More!

I have launched a new page for all things Earth Is My Witness related!


You will find information on the presentations and seminars surrounding the book. The next one coming up is at the Gates Planetarium in Denver, on June 5th with an Art of Composition seminar the following day on June 6th.

Recently Earth Is My Witness won three major awards:

2015 Silver IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for Nature & Environment

2015 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Awards

2015 Independent Publisher Award gold medal in the photography category

But this is the biggest thrill of all—on May 7th, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa was presented with a copy of Earth Is My Witness.

Heidi Felton presents Earth Is My Witness to His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Heidi Felton presents Earth Is My Witness to His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa © Matthew Felton
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Technique Episode #2: Using Elements of Design

When I photograph, I am always looking for elements of design such as line, pattern and texture, as visual cues. Shot on South Georgia Island.

For one week only, save 25% off Migrations: Wildlife in Motion by entering the coupon code migrate after you have the book in your cart.

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Lake Quinault & Palouse

All of my Washington State workshops this summer are very nearly full. The Olympic Peninsula and Rainier workshops filled quickly, and there is one spot left on the Lake Quinault photo retreat in May.

If you can’t make that, I urge you to consider the Palouse workshop in July. What’s the Palouse you ask? I call it the Tuscany of the Northwest—a rich agricultural region of undulating wheat fields, bordered on the west by world class viticulture. It is also a classic western American landscape, with tidy farms, small towns, and many opportunities to work on your eye for abstract imagery.

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#OPTIC2015 Talk

BHlogoThank you to everyone who turned out for the #OPTIC2015 event in New York City this past weekend, I had a great time working with the folks at B&H Photo Video. If you missed the live show you can still watch the presentations anytime on the web, I believe I was the fourth one in the line up, my talk is titled “The Inspirational Traveler: The World Beyond the Lens” but don’t stop there as there are a lot of great talks you can stream and learn and be inspired from.

The streams are live at OPTIC2015 Livestream, click the “watch again” button in the Livestream box and navigate to the talk using the arrows.

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