Dans ce livre, le légendaire photographe animalier Art Wolfe se tourne vers l’une des techniques de survie les plus fondamentales de la nature : l’art du camouflage. Ses portraits montrent les animaux et les insectes disparaissant dans leur environnement, en utilisant des supercheries, des déguisements, voire des leurres, pour se confondre et ainsi tromper l’œil à la fois des prédateurs et des proies.
À une époque où de nombreuses espèces sont obligés de se camoufler pour lutter contre la perte de leur habitat mis en danger par l’homme, ce livre met en valeur la beauté et les solutions extrêmes auxquelles les animaux doivent recourir pour s’assurer de rester en vie dans un monde où il faut manger pour ne pas être mangé.
Repérer dans chaque photographie l’animal caché est un jeu à la fois plaisant et instructif, tant les compositions de Wolfe sont habiles et trompeuses.
It is the last frontier, a place where wild dominates humankind. A place known as the land of the midnight sun, here alpenglow lasts for hours, not minutes. Imagine venturing into this wilderness where the brown bears do not fear humans, where the minimal human population has learned and adapted to live in harmony with them. The bears rule, not only because they are strong, large, and on the top of their food chains, but because the humans believe that they should. Now imagine being able to capture photos of these magnificent creatures from 15 feet away. This is Alaska!
All aspects of outdoor photography will be covered, including composition, field techniques, technology, and the unique philosophy of this highly specialized profession. There will be informative lectures, rigorous critiques and portfolio reviews. Instead of concentrating only on f-stops and equipment, we will work on composition, imagination, and the control of every element in the image. We do more than just take you to the location; we help you to maximize your creative and technological skills as a photographer.
I recently led a workshop in the Southern Sierra in California. The fall color put on quite a show, with the aspen trees being a particularly stunning subject to photograph. We also found a lake full of coots, worked on abstracts in Bodie State Historical Park, visited the always fantastical tufas at Mono Lake and stopped at the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest to add more unique texture to the portfolio.
Recently I went to see Everest with friends and it took me right back to May of 1996 when the tragedy occurred. People will quibble about the movie being true to life, but that’s not what I am addressing here. The climbing community is tight, especially in a town like Seattle, and I knew Scott Fischer through mutual friends. From time to time he would come to my office to select mountain imagery to promote his company Mountain Madness. As is often the case, I was traveling when the news came from Nepal. Scott’s wife Jeannie arrived with his precious film and my staff was galvanized into action. They assisted her with getting it developed, edited and labeled, and making sure the selects got into a stock photography agency for worldwide distribution. It was one small thing we could take care of that helped her and her two daughters through an agonizing time in their lives.
Art Wolfe ist eine Legende, und dieser großformatige Bildband ist eine unvergleichliche Kollektion seiner schönsten Bilder, wie es sie noch nicht gab. Das Werk des vielleicht berühmtesten lebenden Naturfotografen bringt uns Landschaften, Tiere und indigene Kulturen auf allen Kontinenten näher. Hier sind Momente von einzigartiger Eindringlichkeit und Schönheit zu sehen: der purpurfarbene Himmel über den patagonischen Torres del Paine, Pinguineltern, die sich in perfekter Symmetrie über ihren zwölf Wochen alten Nachwuchs beugen, eine Salzkarawane in der Sahara, ins Meer strömende Lava auf Hawaii oder das rituelle Bad der Sadhus im Ganges. Diese Bilder sind so kraftvoll, dass manche von ihnen zu Ikonen werden könnten oder es schon sind. Dieses Buch ist einen Meilenstein der Naturfotografie – ein Gesamtkunstwerk und Höhepunkt einer bald fünf Jahrzehnte währenden Karriere. Das Buch wurde vom “American Photo Magazine” gerade zum besten Fotobuch des Jahres gekürt.
Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
396 Seiten
450 Fotos
Format: 29 x 36 cm
ISBN: 978-3-86690-445-3
An active volcano, Mount Rainier is the icon of Washington state and the entire Pacific Northwest. The national park is a favorite destination of mine and I’ll never tire of shooting there. At sunrise the peak was initially obscured in fog; as the sun came up it broke, giving me a misty, moody reflection that only adds to the already dramatic vista.
Save 20% on any Misty Rainier print purchased this month! They are printed on EPSON Premium Photo Luster paper using archival EPSON Ultrachrome inks, and I hand sign them with a silver acid-free pen.
Along with great exhibits, demos and informational talks, I am the special guest speaker and will be doing my Earth Is My Witness presentation! Also, click through to the festival information to learn about their print contest.
En véritable explorateur moderne, le photographe Art Wolfe parcourt le globe, ses déserts et ses savanes, ses pôles étincelants, ses montagnes vertigineuses, ses fonds sous-marins fourmillant de vie ou encore ses forêts luxuriantes, pour en rapporter d’incroyables clichés et révéler ainsi la splendeur et la fragilité de ces écosystèmes, et la délicate interconnexion entre les hommes et leur planète.
Grâce à plus de 450 photographies en grande partie inédites et au récit d’Art Wolfe qui livre ses souvenirs et des anecdotes, cet ouvrage d’exception célèbre la Terre et ses merveilles dans un vibrant plaidoyer pour sa préservation.
Hymne à la Terre
ISBN : 9782822901024
Parution : Septembre 2015
Format : 285 x 362 mm
Prix : 89.00 €
The Tetons are one of the newest mountain ranges in North America and at the same time contain some of the oldest geological rocks, dating back some 2.7 million years. How is this possible? Two things, first is the fact that the Teton Fault is still pushing the peaks skyward today. In addition, over 2 million years ago, glaciers flowed down from northern Yellowstone depositing varying materials from up north and simultaneously carving out and sculpting the Teton Skyline. Two different events from two different locations give the Tetons two very different geological finds. Another amazing thing about this mountain range is that because there are no foothills, you get to witness complete unobstructed views of the mountains. All this geologic force has created a fairly flat valley floor with peaks topping out close to 14,000 feet above sea level. Grand Teton National Park also has a plethora of lakes and rivers, coupled with extraordinary wildlife—you have the makings for extremely dramatic photography.
On this first day of Autumn I thought I’d share a few photos of the season as inspiration for you to go out and shoot your own photos of fall color in all its various forms!