On Location: Chichen Itza
Yucatan 12/2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
The world still exists. Art’s latest photos from the Yucatan.

Yucatan 12/2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
The world still exists. Art’s latest photos from the Yucatan.
2012 was fraught with change and endeavor, sturm und drang. Now is the time to try to remember it all and thank everyone for their support and interest over the last year.
In January we started moving to our new location in Seattle’s Pioneer Square. As everyone knows, moves take longer and cost more than one can ever plan! Needless to say, we love our new location and are happy to be more a part of the art community. It has been great being a part of the popular First Thursday Art Walk.
At nearly the same time, The Natural Wonders Gallery opened in Las Vegas. This stunning gallery, featuring the work of Art Wolfe, Robert Rotella, and Robert Park, is located in The Shoppes at the Palazzo.
As always Art was on the road for a good part of year, photographing for various projects and leading photography tours and seminars. Destinations included Australia; South Africa, Tanzania and Rwanda; Brazil’s Pantanal; Ireland, France, Italy, and Croatia; and many locations stateside, such as Alaska’s Lake Clark, the Carolinas, Utah, Washington, California, Pennsylvania, and Oregon; as well as a brief foray into Canada. Art also collaborated with legendary nature photographers Frans Lanting and Tom Mangelsen for a Masters of Nature Photography seminar.
On the fine art print and publishing front, we launched the Human Canvas, Art’s masterwork of painting, the human figure, and photography. This is both a limited edition print collection and book. www.humancanvasproject.com
Europe was good to Art as well; Germany’s Frederking & Thaler published Animal Art and Landschaften Zwischen Himmel und Erde. WWF Netherlands published Wereldnatuur (Art’s first book in Dutch!) and used it as a donation premium in celebration of their fiftieth year anniversary of saving wildlife around the world.
It is always an honor to receive accolades. The University of Washington, Art’s Alma Mater, honored him with a Timeless Award based on outstanding service and achievement since graduation. Landschaften Zwischen Himmel und Erde was named the Most Beautiful Science Book by Bild der Wissenschaft.
Giving accolades in return is gratifying: The 2012 renewal of the International Conservation Photography Awards came off without a hitch. Art founded this invitational in 1997 and it has spun off into its own orbit with the incredible support of the Burke Museum of History and Culture. www.icpawards.com
2013 already shows much promise as yet another memorable year for Art Wolfe, Inc. Stay tuned!
Cuba 12/2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
Last trip of the year is…CUBA!
Dear Friend of iLCP,
If you’ve ever read a conservation article or seen a presentation with vivid and compelling photographs, and found yourself wanting to do something to protect that place and its people, then you know the power and influence of high-quality imagery. This is the International League of Conservation Photographers’ niche, and our strength. It’s a conservation niche we hope you will want to support…..
As the year comes to a close and you are looking ahead to what kind of GOOD you can support this year, iLCP is a quality organization that does important work. The stories they cover and show are important to the planet.
The Natural Wonders Gallery December 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
Not everything that happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas. The Natural Wonders Gallery, featuring the works of Art Wolfe, Robert Rotella, and Robert Park, has a sparkling selection of new prints! If you’re in Vegas, take a look and take home a spectacular souvenir!
The Natural Wonders Gallery
The Shoppes at The Palazzo
3327 Las Vegas Blvd, Suite 2750
Las Vegas, Nevada
Toll Free: 866.814.8822 | inquiries@natural-wonders-gallery.com
David Hall is a photographer and author specializing in marine life subjects and underwater photography. His photographs have won numerous awards and have appeared in most major magazines in North America and Europe. David’s latest book, Beneath Cold Seas: The Underwater Wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, was recently awarded the 2012 National Outdoor Book Award for best “Design and Artistic Merit”.
Beneath Cold Seas is the first large format photographic book to feature the marine life of the Pacific Northwest. Critics have noted that it is one of the few books of underwater photography to focus on a cold/temperate water ecosystem, successfully challenging the widespread misperception that cold water marine life is dull and uninteresting.
Beneath Cold Seas is published in the U.S. by the University of Washington Press and in Canada by Greystone Books and the David Suzuki Foundation; it has also been published in the U.K and in Germany (as Kaltwasserwelten). It is available at Amazon, and in many Barnes & Noble and independent bookstores; it retails for $45.
For more information, including critic’s reviews, a slide show and the link to a four-minute video, visit www.beneathcoldseas.com For more of David Hall’s photography, visit www.seaphotos.com
Here are a few images from this beautiful book.
Seaweeds above and below the surface at low tide
Migrating sockeye salmon in the Adam’s River at dusk
An Irish lord sculpin resting in a bed of plumose anemones
Goose-neck barnacles endemic to Nakwakto Rapids, British Columbia
Steller sea lions are among the largest pinnipeds; males may weigh a ton or more.
A northern kelp crab clings to seaweed near the surface
Orange sea pens – a type of soft coral – will retract into the sand if disturbed
Here is some nice work by a few participants from our recent workshop in the Great Smoky Mountains near Asheville, NC.
Eric Schoch – www.ericschochphotography.com
“In this workshop I learned to see the patterns and colors of fall in a whole new way.”
David Mierowsky
John Eng
John McQuiston
Petite prints of Art’s two most requested images:
The Night Fisherman: Signed 7×11″ print on 11×14″ paper
Spirit Horse: Signed 9×11″ print on 11×14″ paper
Click on each image to purchase
The In-Sight Print Collection
store.artwolfe.com | info@artwolfe.com | 888-973-0011
Charleston Workshop 12/2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
We had a great workshop in and around Charleston, South Carolina a couple weeks ago. Highlights were the iconic oak-lined lanes of Boone Hall Plantation & the skeletal trees of The Boneyard.
Support local artists by purchasing artwork that inspires you.
The Community Artists Program will be participating in a Holiday art sale (small works) as well as 10% off ALL artwork at the Meyer Wells showroom from December 10-14th. 9am -5pm every day. Includes pieces by Art Wolfe.