This past week took me to Hamburg, Germany for the opening of the Meisterhaft Getarnt – or Vanishing Act – exhibit in the city’s Überseequartier. I was impressed with the cool and unique presentation of my work in this outdoor open-air gallery, and I highly recommend checking it out if you plan on being in the area. Admission is free, and I feel it’s a great way to experience these images. Thank you to the staff of the Überseequartier for putting together such a wonderful Exhibit! Meisterhaft Getarnt runs through June 30th.
I’m heading off to Germany today to celebrate the opening of “Meisterhaft-Getarnt”; translated – “Masterfully Disguised”, an exhibition of my work from Vanishing Act, in Hamburg’s Überseequartier. This open-air gallery exhibit will highlight my primary goal with Vanishing act – capturing animals at home in their natural habitat, blending in with their surroundings for survival.
The exhibit runs from March 30th to June 30th, 24 hours a day and admission is free. I will be in attendance tomorrow, March 30th at 6 PM local time.
Täuschung und Tarnung werden häufig eingesetzt, wenn es darum geht, als Spezies zu überleben, und oft besteht die Überlebenstaktik darin, sich einfach unsichtbar zu machen. Art Wolfe, einer der bedeutendsten Naturfotografen unserer Zeit, fotografierte über mehrere Jahrzehnte hinweg Tiere auf der ganzen Welt, die die Kunst der Tarnung perfekt beherrschen. Ein Gepard verschwindet im hohen Gras, ein Rotfuchs löst sich im herbstlichen Wald scheinbar auf, und was wie eine zarte Orchidee aussieht, entpuppt sich als räuberische Fangschrecke. In magischen Suchbildern für große und kleine Entdecker hat Art Wolfe diese Meister der Tarnung eingefangen.
And for those of you, who don’t read German (like me), Knesebeck Verlag is publishing an updated version of Vanishing Act, originally published in 2005. Now with more photos, captions, and a new design!
Wildlife camouflage has been one of the most enduring subjects I have focused on in my career. I really started shooting camouflage in the early nineties for a children’s book called Hiding Out for Crown Books and this work culminated in the 2005 book Vanishing Act.
Vanishing Act ended up being published internationally in several languages. Images from the book have been the focus of untold magazine articles, including the latest, The Netherlands “Season” magazine. Click to view the PDF article.