On Location: Tanzania II
BLOG: Tanzania #2 January 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
The Serengeti was great for the first day but then pretty quiet for two days. As you can see, I’m experimenting with color renditions.

BLOG: Tanzania #2 January 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
The Serengeti was great for the first day but then pretty quiet for two days. As you can see, I’m experimenting with color renditions.
BLOG: Tanzania #1 January 2012 – Images by Art Wolfe
Here are some of the first images from this expedition. Lots of wildlife.
BLOG: Africa, Namibia – Images by Art Wolfe
I leave the wildlife and elephants behind and enter the haunting landscapes in the Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia.
Dry, parched lake beds that offer stark contrasting compositions. What a great place to photograph!
Here are some of the locations of the images in this slideshow:
•Sossusvlei (mud pan), The Namib Dessert, Namibia
•Aerials over Sossusvlei and from the Okavango, Botswana
•Pictures of his room at the Namibia lodge, Little Kulala Lodge.
•Dead Vlei (burned-looking trees in a dead lake), The Namib Desert, Namibia
Hey, I’m coming back here in January, 2012 to do an international workshop. Want to join me? Let my staff know you are interested.
BLOG: Africa, Sossusvlei, Namibia – Images by Art Wolfe
The lions, leopards and monkeys all show that it is truly Spring with mothers and babies playing with each other.
Just so you don’t worry too much about my safety, the elephants I photographed have been rescued and are habituated to people. They are now free.
Hot News Tip: International workshops in January 2012 to South Africa will be coming up on my workshops website very soon. Stay tuned!
Contact us immediately if you are interested and want to make sure to reserve a place even before the signup is available.
BLOG: Chobe Chilwero – Images by Art Wolfe
Checking in from the banks of the Chobe River in Botswana.
We had an excellent day today photographing from a boat. We did a lot of work on elephant and hippo, managing to get really close and then were lucky enough to see a leopardess and her cubs come down to drink in the middle of the day – very rare sighting. We got some great shots of the sunset with elephants that I had been visualizing since arrival and I actually pulled it off!
We have been “roughing it” at Sanctuary Retreat “camps” in both Zambia and Botswana and they have really looked after us well.
In Chichele:
In Chobe:
BLOG: Luangwa Valley, Zambia – Images by Art Wolfe
I am so excited to be on this trip! The wildlife viewing in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley is tremendous. We saw giraffe and baboon, as well as the colorful bee-eaters which make their nests in cliffsides. The leopard we saw had killed a big female impala and the ungulate was too big for the cat to stow in a tree. So instead, she buried it, which is highly unusual.
Later in the day we came upon a lioness with a wire snare embedded in her neck. Luckily we were able to call the local lion research team who responded quickly because they happened to be in a nearby part of the park. We waited with the lion until they arrived. They then darted the snared female and we helped with the processing of data and removal of snare. I got to be right in the middle of the action and hit these shots as things got a little tense as the lioness’ temperature spiked. We took all the ice from our cooler box and pushed it against her back to keep her temperature from getting critical–I shot this moment from above.
The government of Tanzania is launching an effort to build a highway across the northern reaches of Serengeti National Park—directly across the path of millions of migratory animals. This would be an ecological disaster for the wildlife as seriously undermine Tanzania’s important tourism trade.
For information and links to articles visit them online.
BLOG: Seregeti Highway? – Images by Art Wolfe