2015 First Quarter Photos
From Tanzania to Japan, Art has been there this year: geysers in Yellowstone, sea turtle hatchlings on Mnemba Island, voracious seals in Antarctica, exuberant revelers at Holi, and floating Shinto shrines in Japan.

From Tanzania to Japan, Art has been there this year: geysers in Yellowstone, sea turtle hatchlings on Mnemba Island, voracious seals in Antarctica, exuberant revelers at Holi, and floating Shinto shrines in Japan.
Searching for some winter inspiration? All these photos were taken in Februarys over the last ten years. From migrating birds, crystal clear urban skylines, Antarctic summers, to tropical southeast Asia, the world is packed full of activity and promise.
May the sheep and goats bring us peace, love, trust and happiness this year.
I make my office staff very happy when I photograph in a new location. For the last few days of this journey in Africa, we traveled in the Simien Mountains in the Ethiopian Highlands, filming the highly endangered gelada or bleeding-heart baboon. They live in an extraordinary landscape with other fabled creatures such as the lammergeier or bearded vulture.
Today I have a photo in the New York Times illustrating the latest work by the University of Washington’s Center for Conservation Biology in the oil sands area of Alberta, Canada.
Read the article in the NYT:
It seems that, once again, humans and human activity, such as roads and environmental exploitation, are more of a threat to large ungulates than wolves.
The Conservation Canines of the Center for Conservation Biology are providing much needed data that gives a more accurate picture of what is happening to Caribou and Wolves.
2011 Calendars 50% Off! – Images by Art Wolfe
We have marked down all our 2011 calendars Half-Off. We have very limited quantities left of the gorgeous European calendars; these are like buying a folio of twelve posters. We also have a couple of wonderful inspirational datebooks available as well.
Shop at online at Art Wolfe Stockor at the Art Wolfe Store