Support “HOPE” by Photographer & Activist Cristina Mittermeier!

HOPE by Cristina “Mitty” Mittermeier is an uplifting book project that I urge everyone to support. Mitty is a great communicator and unparalleled photographer. She has done so much for the photographic & conservation community with the founding of SeaLegacy and the International League of Conservation Photographers ILCP. Please join me in supporting Mitty’s crowdfunding campaign for ‘HOPE’ – a book showcasing her most iconic images and inspiring stories from her 30-year journey as a photographer and activist. Part of the proceeds of this book will directly benefit the people, communities and projects featured in these pages!

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From Art’s Bookshelf: Bay of Life by Frans Lanting & Chris Eckstrom

I arrived home from my most recent trip this past Sunday and received an incredible birthday gift from friend and colleague Frans Lanting – the beautifully packaged and presented Collector’s Edition of Bay of Life, Frans & Chris Eckstrom’s epic book chronicling the rejuvenation of California’s Monterey Bay.

An area ravaged by rampant utilization by man during the gold rush which stripped the area of life and resources, Bay of Life documents the resilience of nature and the ways in which like-minded people can come together to help restore an ecosystem to not only a state of recovery, but one in which it thrives.

This message of hope and rejuvenation speaks directly to me. If you’ve caught any of my recent talks regarding my own projects, you’ll know the emphasis I put on describing how wildlife populations in many areas are beginning to recover after an initial decrease due to the influence and reach of man.

Though our climate situation remains dire, nature’s ability to rejuvenate when coupled with human awareness, consideration, and conservation efforts is remarkable. This book project not only documents this significant symbiosis between nature and man – it also helps educate and fund future endeavors to protect this beautiful habitat via the Bay of Life Project.

Both the Collector’s Edition and standard book are available for purchase, with proceeds benefitting this important project.

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A Well-Deserved Lifetime Achievement Award for Greg Green!

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Raise a toast to long-time friend and prolific ecologist Gregory A. Green. Greg has received much-deserved recognition with a lifetime achievement award for Leadership in Conservation by the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society.

While devoting nearly five decades of his life to conservation biology, Greg is a prolific photographer in his own right. We have been frequent travel companions, and Greg has been the perfect fit as the written voice accompanying the many photos in my latest project,  Wild Lives—due out this October with pre-orders available soon. Sign up for my mailing list to be informed as soon as it’s available. Learn more about Greg and check out his photography on his website,

Congratulations, Greg!

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From Art’s Bookshelf: Girt By Sea

It’s been a while since I’ve done an Art’s Bookshelf – but I’m much overdue on posting about my good friend Denis Glennon’s book which documents the great shores of Australia from the air – a country Truly Girt by Sea.

Not only does the book include gorgeous aerials – of which you all know I am a fan, mainly due to the wonderful abstractions they create – but it also documents the mindset of Tony Hewitt and Denis Glennon as they set about to document the coastline of Australia. Reminiscent of a bygone age of exploration, their expedition revealed much more than they could have ever imagined – new wonders abound in their own home continent!

If you’re interested in finding out more about the project check out their website –, and visit their online store to order your copy of this unique book!

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