50 Most Beautiful Places in the World

Art Wolfe's 50 Most Beautiful Places In the World

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this is a very subjective list of picturesque places on our one and only planet. I have favorite places that aren’t necessarily the most beautiful, but I think we can all agree on most of these. I’d love to hear your opinions and additions.

It happens that I am also leading workshops in several of these place over the next year, including Mount Rainier, New Zealand, Kenya, and the Olympics. Head on over to the Events page to see what’s new!

mountain ridge

Katmai, Alaska Bear Tours Are Almost Full!

Art Wolfe's Katmai Bears in Alaska Workshops 2024

Just a couple of spots remain in my late July and early August Katmai bear tours in Alaska – now is the time to sign up if you’ve been thinking about attending this workshop! For some time now, we’ve been leading two trips here a year. Next year there will likely only be one on the calendar due to scheduling trips for upcoming book projects. I anticipate that sole trip will sell out quickly, so if you want to ensure a spot on this epic trip, why wait?

One of the biggest selling points of our workshop is the amazing support we have on the ground. The team we work with lives and breathes the Alaskan wilderness, and are as familiar as anyone on the planet with the locations and habits of the bears we aim to photograph. With a lodge, our own pilot and meals included, your only job is to pack your gear and make it to Anchorage – we will take care of the rest!

Lets talk about the real reason you go on a trip like this – the adventure into the Alaskan wilderness to photograph the great Alaskan brown bears! While they fish, play, and wrestle they show us all why it’s so important to protect these natural spaces. This is, after all, their home – as familiar and important to them as our own back yards are to us. With great respect, we are in their territory. The unique life-long connection you’ll find you now have to these bears is enriching far beyond our time here. It’s definitely left an impression on me!

Check out photos from last year’s trip, then reserve your spot to come along in July and August!


mountain ridge

Art Wolfe – UW’s 2024 Alumnus Summa Laude Dignatus Award Winner!

It was quite the whirlwind: swapping stories at a private luncheon with UW President Ana Mari Cauce, then a magnificent awards ceremony in Meany Hall where so many talented people were honored for achievements in their various fields, and finally a delicious dinner for all the awardees at the Conibear Shellhouse with Husky Clipper shell of the 1936 Olympic Champions hanging above us. It was extraordinary! Thank you to the UW Alumni Association, everyone who gave their support and attended the ceremony, and to my dates Helen Cherullo and Gregory Green.


mountain ridge

Throwback Thursday – First Wildlife Photo & The Camera Used!

Moose, BC Canada.

One of the early pages of my latest book Wild Lives features the very first wildlife photo I ever captured – a moose in British Columbia. Not the most stellar photo in the world, but significant in that it was the start of quite a journey that I am still on today.

I just received quite the surprise gift in the mail from my good friend, incredible author and fellow Photographer Rob Sheppard – a nice note with this “incredible” shot, along with the same style Kodak Brownie Fiesta Camera that I shot it with. Talk about a blast from the past! These cameras were manufactured in the 1960’s, and you could own one for the reasonable cost of $5.95! If you were exceptionally thrifty, 15 cans worth of soup labels sent to Campbells at the time would also suffice!

What was your first camera and the subject that set you on your photography path? Leave a comment below!

Art Wolfe's first wildlife photo of a moose and the Kodak Fiesta Camera of the type it was shot on.

mountain ridge

New Photos From the Carmel Coast!

The Carmel coast in California is a captivating blend of rugged natural beauty and abundant wildlife, making it a haven for photographers. This coastal landscape offers the rocky cliffs and pristine beaches you’d expect, with seals, sea lions, otters and shore birds animating the landscape. When I’m here, I’m keeping an eye out for the abstract opportunities reflected upon the water, and familiar forms on oxidized rocks and minerals.

Variety is an important factor when I’m picking out workshop locations. Many of my personal trips in specific for book projects have me making a long trip just hoping to capture a few iconic shots of a certain species, event, or culture. When I have the opportunity to lead a workshop, variety is a huge factor in determining how frequently we might revisit a location. The Carmel coast has variety in spades as described above, but also the many forests, redwoods, and other inland sights within striking distance.

Needless to say, this is also a top-tier location for enjoying wine and food with good company as well. Looking forward to the next visit!

mountain ridge