The Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda

I’m traveling in Africa with friends. We’ve been trekking at the base of the mighty Virunga Mountains looking for a troop of Mountain Gorillas and were not disappointed! Do note it’s up to the gorillas to get this close, we’ll approach the troop from a respectable distance but their curiosity can occasionally have them close the distance to check us out as well.

I hope to have more to share soon!

3 Responses to “The Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda”

  1. Hi, just impressive how this majestic animals behave. Thanks for giving these insights.
    Best regards,

  2. natan dotan says:

    Hi, what an amazing animals….i have been always amazed by the human similarities…thx for the insights

  3. Kelly says:

    I have done 2 gorilla trek adventures. My first in Rwanda, the 2nd in Uganda. Thank you for sharing your pictures! They so reminded me of what an amazing and mezmerizing time this part of the world is. It was for RWANDA that I bought my first DSLR camera and have enjoyed photography !

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