
This is the last chance to sign up for Art Wolfe’s Composing Effective Images – Field Edition.

If you have procrastinated down to the last moment, fear not, because there are just 3 slots left before we cap it. The weather is looking to be fantastic this weekend and you will learn a ton that will surely take you further with your photography. Seattle is fortunate to have such a great teacher as well as hosting this worthwhile workshop. Add a Friday night at Art Wolfe’s home, then getting class time and field time in the beautiful arboretum. Sprinkle in a little Lightroom tutorial with Jay Goodrich, and critiques where we all learn from one-another and Wow!

Call our office tomorrow and then grab your coat and hat, because the workshop begins at Art Wolfe’s home at 6:00pm.

>>CLICK HERE to register and/or call our office at 206-332-0993. We will get maps and information to you.


mountain ridge

Composing Effective Images: Field Edition February 3-5, Seattle

Listen and watch for a preview of this upcoming class.

A special class in a special place. Composing Effective Images with Art Wolfe at the Arboretum in Seattle. February 3-5. This class includes a “Field Session” where we take what we learn in the classroom and then go right out and practice.

This class has the added benefit of beginning Friday night at Art’s home to meet one another and begin learning. Don’t miss this.


mountain ridge

Composing Effective Images – FIELD EDITION February 3-5, 2012

We are offering an expanded version of this popular class. Now Composing Effective Images will include a field session. February 3-5, 2012. The FIELD EDITION is available only in Seattle, WA.

For those who are ready to take the next step and work in the field with Art Wolfe, this class is perfect. It is a perfect transition from the classroom seminar that will better prepare you for an intensive field workshop. For the many who have already taken Art’s popular Art of Composition Seminar and would like to continue their photographic exploration with a master this is your perfect opportunity.

We are packing so much into this class, that Art will actually begin his first lecture at the opening reception in his home on Friday night.

>>CLICK HERE to learn more about this unique class.


This would make a great gift for your photographer friend or relative. They would always remember this great experience.

mountain ridge