This is the last chance to sign up for Art Wolfe’s Composing Effective Images – Field Edition.
If you have procrastinated down to the last moment, fear not, because there are just 3 slots left before we cap it. The weather is looking to be fantastic this weekend and you will learn a ton that will surely take you further with your photography. Seattle is fortunate to have such a great teacher as well as hosting this worthwhile workshop. Add a Friday night at Art Wolfe’s home, then getting class time and field time in the beautiful arboretum. Sprinkle in a little Lightroom tutorial with Jay Goodrich, and critiques where we all learn from one-another and Wow!
Call our office tomorrow and then grab your coat and hat, because the workshop begins at Art Wolfe’s home at 6:00pm.
>>CLICK HERE to register and/or call our office at 206-332-0993. We will get maps and information to you.
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