Friday Vids – Art In Action: Abstract Astoria!
Unless you’re new to checking out the blog (Welcome, if so!) you’ve heard of my popular Abstract Astoria Workshop. It’s been a consistent destination for us year after year, and for good reason. As the oldest city on the west coast, Astoria is a venerable Scandinavian-inspired burg with an abundance of character and old-school charm. Culinary delights are around every corner, and on those corners you’re bound to find museums, breweries, and even old forts— abandoned, but ripe with photographic opportunity.
This makes it an easy choice for a recurring abstract workshop. Not only are the traditional vistas, shores, and surrounding forest great opportunities for your standard fare travel photos, the aged concrete bunkers, rusted logging equipment and waterways of moiré patterns nestled in amongst the greenery and culture make for an amazing trifecta of creativity, photography, and hospitality.
These are just some of the reasons we keep going back— and why this workshop has so many repeat clients. We’ll be heading back next spring, and now is a good time to plan your trip as this one will assuredly be a sell-out as usual! Check out the events page for this location and more.