New USA Workshops with Art Wolfe
Composing Effective Images – FIELD EDITION
2-Day Workshop with Art Wolfe & Jay Goodrich
Seattle – October 20-21, 2012
Welcome Reception at Art’s House on October 19th – 6pm to 8pm. Light appetizers.
We have modified this class to offer more of what people want. We are now including a FIELD session in this class. We are packing so much into this class, that Art will actually begin his first lecture at the opening reception in his home on Friday night. This class is available only in Seattle, WA.
Whether hosting PBS series, Travels To The Edge, publishing a book, or conducting a seminar or field workshop, my focus remains the same: “Engage, inspire and reveal a new vision of the world around us”.
OCTOBER 26-28, 2012
(3 day Workshop)
Led by Art Wolfe
Join Art Wolfe for fall colors in the Great Smoky
Mountains. Based out of Asheville, NC, we explore
with field sessions in this incredible National Park.
Art’s finer points of maximizing early morning and
late afternoon light at this unique time of year will
yield great images and inspiration for your work.
The best way to learn photography, is in the field,
one-on-one with an experienced instructor.
NOVEMBER 16-18, 2012
(3 day Workshop)
Led by Art Wolfe
Join Art Wolfe as we explore Owens Valley. The
Light is exquisite this time of year. We will take
field sessions to the beautiful surroundings of
Bishop. Art’s finer points of maximizing light
will be discussed in the classroom and in the field.
Critiques will be part of the learning process, too.
The best way to learn photography, is in the field,
one-on-one with an experienced instructor.
NOVEMBER 30 – December 2, 2012
(3 day Workshop)
Led by Art Wolfe
Join Art Wolfe as we explore the desert that
surrounds Palm Springs. Dunes, cactus, and
wildflowers are abundant in this unusual
landscape. Art’s finer points of maximizing light
will be discussed in the classroom and in the field.
Critiques will be part of the learning process, too.
The best way to learn photography, is in the field,
one-on-one with an experienced instructor.