A Few Photos from Texas
After another successful Photography as Art seminar in Houston, I spent a few relaxing days photographing with my longtime friend Sean Fitzgerald. I was able to add a few new species to my bird list, including green jays and painted buntings.
Any colorful birds in Boston? That’s my next stop in July for Photography as Art!
Truly stunning images. Love the colour and detail. Love the armadillo drinking…love them all actually
. . . wonderful images, as always. Especially liked #17, 25 & 26 . . made me laugh. Great reflections. Thanks for posting.
You continually inspire my photography Art. Thank you!
ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. Your joyous TX art is lucious.
Every time I see my ol’ Eastern/Southern friends, the Cardinals (or Redbirds as Texans call ’em) I keep reimagining my evil plot to haul a few back to Seattle* to brighten our grayest days.
* and add a pair of Painted Buntings to my devilish plot