Catch Art Wolfe in Manassas, VA November 2nd!

Art Wolfe Presents: Wild Lives at the Mid-Atlantic Photo visions Expo

The first weekend of November, I’ll be in Manassass, Virgina for the Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions Expo! This will be a two-day event with incredible speakers, workshops, one-on-one experiences and much more. Make a weekend of it and catch the whole show, or just come and check out my WILD LIVES presentation on the 2nd, from 1 to 3pm. I’ll be signing books after the talk, with copies available for purchase – or lug your own books to the event; I’d be happy to meet you and sign them!

I’ll be sharing photos from my latest book project along with the stories behind them. WILD LIVES represents my most comprehensive collection of wildlife to date, with photos ranging from early in my career to shots I was able to capture and sneak in right before it went to print. I’m proud of this project, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Sign up today! More information about this event and Wild Lives is on my events page, or just head over to the Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions website and register today!

mountain ridge