Q2 2024 Photos Roundup- Japan, Eid al-Fitr & More!

Q2 2024 photos are here! Spring kicked of with a trip to Kyoto, Japan where I aimed to capture more images of life amidst a Buddhist temple for my upcoming book on world religion and spirituality. Nestled harmoniously within the surrounding flora, this was also an opportunity to photograph landscapes and abstracts.

It was quite a shock to the system, then, to go from the serenity of temples and silent forests to the bustle and buzz of Delhi, India where millions gathered in celebration of Eid al-Fitr. I managed to find myself a perch up above the worshipping crowds and came away with the photographs I was here for.

From there I came home for a bit before visiting California for our Carmel Coast workshop, and then it was off to Iceland. If Delhi was the polar opposite of Japan in terms of activity, it was the weather in Iceland that proved to be the difference here where heavy, cool rains exposed flaws in my usually meticulous packing prep. Still, the landscape was as beautiful as ever. The iconic puffins were sparse in the areas we explored – however many other birds were present, and I’ll take variety every time.

Enjoy the photos, and while you’re here check out my upcoming tours and events. I’m always excited to get to know new travelers!

mountain ridge