Friday Vibes – Photo Workshops In Full Swing!

We had excellent news this week out of the CDC that will bring us closer to normalcy in the form of reaching enough vaccinations to begin removing our masks and relaxing social distancing. Thank you so much to everyone who has been proactive about getting their vaccination and wearing your mask for this past year and then some.

I’ve been back to leading workshops at a pre-COVID rate for a couple of months now with anxious participants ready to get back to doing what they love, many of which had received their vaccinations ASAP to accommodate.

It’s time to move forward! I for one am interested to see how this past year of minimal travel for most people has impacted the places around the world I visit on a semi-regular basis. THANK YOU for everyone who’s tuned in to Tequila Time over the past year so we could stay connected. I for one am happy to be back teaching, especially after spending months working on the Pathways to Creativity series and truly fine-tuning the the things that I believe make an Art Wolfe Workshop stand out from the pack – utilizing my fine art and teaching background to ensure our participants come away with something unique and incomparable to anyone else’s travel photos.

The upcoming Bandon, Oregon workshop is sold out. On it’s heels are our Majestic Redwoods and Carmel-By-The-Sea photo retreats, with a limited number of spaces available in each. If you’re anxious to get out, sign up today so you don’t miss out! To see all of my upcoming workshops including international trips to multiple locations in Africa as well as Madagascar and Mongolia and more, check out my events page.

I can’t wait to enjoy some meals, share knowledge, and re-discover the planet together!

mountain ridge