New Photos From Mexico!
Happy holidays, everyone! As some of you may already know, I’m spending the holiday season recovering from foot surgery. I have a big 2018 and beyond in store, so it became time to correct an issue that’s been worsening over time. The great news is that the procedure went as well as possible and I’m already diving back into work less than a week later.
That’s not to say I haven’t enjoyed some “down” time. Shortly before returning home for surgery, I took a little trip down to Mexico after presenting Photography As Art in Dallas and Austin. Along with my good friend Sean Fitzgerald, his lovely wife Karen, and my assistant Libby we spent some time in Mexico City exploring and enjoying the food and drink and enjoying the sights and sounds. We also took a trip up to the El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve to capture kaleidoscopes of these beautiful creatures.
I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!