Canadian Rockies Participant’s Gallery
Ben Eby: “This workshop was unequivocally an incredible experience, which I will always appreciate. Both Art & Gavriel are great personal mentors, who are most accommodating when it comes to sharing their applied knowledge, and personal experience. I look forward to reconnecting in the future.” To contact Ben about his photos and experience, email him at
Kevin Mullen: “I have had the pleasure of taking two different photo workshops with Art Wolfe this year. Once in Zion in April and the most recent one in the Canadian Rockies. As a result of these two great workshops I have taken my photography to a new level. Through the well prepared teaching presentations, the portfolio reviews and the personal attention of Art, I have been able to change how I view the world around me to photograph. With these improved skills from these two workshops I have produced some of the best photographs I have taken in my life with a camera. Thank you for making photography even more enjoyable!”
Ken Carroll
May Wong
Ben, Kevin, Ken and May – Great work all the way around! Thank you!