#FollowFriday – Join the PhotoPXL Community!
Happy Follow Friday! This week my good friend and fellow adventurer Kevin Raber was kind enough to share his thoughts on Pathways to Creativity with the community on his photography resource website PhotoPXL. Kevin also interviewed me about the series – it’s all there in the article!
There are so many places out there with information about photography that it’s hard to know which ones are authentic, and which ones are simple rabbit-holes of advertisements. Communities such as Kevin’s created out of simple passion for the medium are truly the best place to go to see what real people are doing, what they think, and where they are going.
It’s for that reason I highly recommend you hop over to PhotoPXL and add them to the favorites list on your preferred browser! Not only does Kevin give unbiased reviews of the gear he uses and shout-outs to his friends in the photography world like yours truly, there is also a growing community of photographers here sharing their photos and exchanging tips, advice and kudos in an interactive forum – check it out and get signed up today!
Have a great weekend!