Hey Philadelphia, “Photography As Art” is This Saturday!
I’m excited to be bringing Photography As Art to the City of Brotherly Love this weekend. Three more sleeps till I see all the smiling face of those whom are already signed up! If you’re in the area and haven’t registered, there are still some spaces remaining. This is the LAST seminar on the calendar for the year – as much as I love presenting them, I’ve got some catching up to do with other trips, workshops, and upcoming book projects – so you can bet I’m going to enjoy every minute of it!
If you aren’t familiar with Photography As Art, the focus is on using your camera – any camera, mobile phone included – to capture and create uncommon and visually imaginative images using design principles and art history as your guide. We will discuss the work that has inspired me while expressing just how accessible creating beautiful images can be without having to travel far afield, or re-hashing the same old “same old”.
This has become a finely tuned seminar, and one I feel can be enjoyed and appreciated by photographers of all ages and skill levels; a valuable mindset to have when starting out, as well as an important new perspective on your goals as an experienced shooter. The feedback I’ve received in my most recent dates in Montreal and New York are overwhelming – come and spend your Saturday with me!
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