International Year of Forests 2011

BLOG: International Year of Forests – Images by Art Wolfe

A reminder that we are half way through the International Year of Forests – 2011. Let us not forget the importance of preserving and maintaining this invaluable resource.  Here are some important statistics to consider:

– The livelihoods of over 1.6 billion people depend on forests.

– Forests are home to 80% of our terrestrial biodiversity.

– Trade in forest products was estimated at $327 billion in 2004.

– Forests are home to 300 million people around the world.

– 30% of forests are used for production of wood and non-wood products.

– Forests cover 31% of total land area.

– Primary forests account for 36% of forest area.

In the Pacific Northwest, efforts to curb logging to save the spotted owl and critical salmon runs from extinction have resulted in creating a huge carbon sink—larger trees and forests store massive amounts of carbon that would otherwise contributed to greenhouse gases. For once, unintended consequences are terrific for the environment!

Seattle Times Article:

2 Responses to “International Year of Forests 2011”

  1. Forests have always been very important to me as I grew up in one and have done much traveling in them. It is commendable the way you keep up on various celebrations, whether they are one day, a weekend, a month or a year. I like that you are continually involved and assisting the various themes with your work, particularly in conservation. Excellent post.

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