Take a Peek at New Photos From Katmai, Alaska!

Three young bears, Katmai, Alaska.

Sooooo many cubs! This was a different but also uniquely special trip to Katmai this year. Our usual haunts seemed to have less bears fishing, but that didn’t stop healthy looking families from hamming it up for our cameras. Adults brawling for prime fishing locations is usually a trip highlight, but this time playful cubs took the spotlight. Many of the young bears we came across were just old enough for mom to not be over-protective, and by now these bears are so used to humans that we don’t raise any alarms. This meant a lot of exploratory mischief, and we were happy to capture those moments.

Enjoy the photos! If you’re interested in capturing your own amazing photos of bears, join next year’s Katmai Bear Tour. I recently posted 10 reasons to join me in this location, and they are still as relevant as ever. Though we usually have two on the schedule, my travel only allows me time for one trip – sign up before it sells out.


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