iLCP April 2010 Newsletter

ilcp april 2010

There is no question that part of the glue that holds societies together and that helps us understand our place in the planetary puzzle is the art of story-telling.  The proverbial “campfire” around which stories of our common ancestry, the challenges we face, and the ideas we share, have, generation to generation, been passed through stories.  Today’s technology allows us to gather around the global campfire in new and meaningful ways and skilled artists and story tellers have become key players to move the conservation agenda by helping ‘connect the dots’.

Translating science and complex conservation priorities into compelling messages that are accessible to larger audiences and decision-makers is an imperative that more and more conservation organizations are taking seriously, both in their strategy and in their budget.  Using effective communications, strong visuals and interesting graphics is fast becoming an integral part of the conservation toolbox. The skills of photographers, film-makers, writers and other creative artists will be instrumental to help tell the story of how our planet succeeded in turning the tide, or of how we failed.

The story is not over yet.


Cristina Mittermeier
International League of Conservation Photographers

To read the whole newsletter head to the iLCP’s website.

mountain ridge