What is YOUR creative vision? Join Art Wolfe for this newly developed two-day workshop in Seattle and begin to discover and define what makes your photography unique to you. Kicking off on Friday, you’ll join Art for an exclusive reception at his West Seattle home and notable Japanese garden. Beverages and hors  d’oeuvres will be provided, and Art will also be giving a presentation highlighting his newest masterpiece “Wild Lives.”

Over the next two days Art will use lectures, critiques, and art history as a reference to assist you in building a visual vocabulary of mental creative tools you’ll be able to employ wherever your travels may take you. Art will join participants in the field on Saturday afternoon – this is a remarkable opportunity to photograph with Art!

The goal of the Art of Seeing is just that – teaching photography enthusiasts at all skill levels to truly visualize and identify creative shots that stand on their own as unique artistic creations rather than the typical travel photo. Throughout the course of the weekend, Art will discuss his approach and how it might help foster your own creative style.

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